sort on three fields

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2009
sort on three fields

Hi I would like to sort a csv file. It has 50 fields and approx 1400000 lines. I want to sort by three columns as follows. Say sort on coulmn 5, if entries are equal sort on column 3 if this is also equal sort on column 6.

It seems that this is possible for 5 then 3 i.e.
sort -t "," -k 5,5 -k 3,3 <filename>

but it doesn't seem to work for 5 then 3 then 6 i.e.

sort -t -k 5,5 -k 3,3 - k 6,6 <filename>

(that is assuming this is doing what I think).

I know in perl the subroutine to do this would be, this works for smaller files but when I try to run my large file it crashes due to memory issues.

sub tableSorter($$){
    my ($row1,$row2) = @_;
    my $column6comparison = $row1->[5] cmp $row2->[5];
    if($column6omparison != 0) {
        return $column10comparison;
    my $column3omparison = $row1->[3] cmp $row2->[3];
    if($column3comparison != 0) {
        return $column3comparison;
    return $row1->[6] <=> $row2->[6];

my questions
Would I neeed to write a subroutine to do this ?

or can I do it in a single sort line ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
# 2  
Old 08-25-2009
Check you man page for "sort". The "-T pathname" option allows you to specify a larger filesystem that sort can use. When sorting larger files you can sometimes run out of space in the default filesystem sort uses for sorting temp space.
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