0821-077 ping: illegal packet size.

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users 0821-077 ping: illegal packet size.
# 1  
Old 10-17-2007
0821-077 ping: illegal packet size.

  • When i try this command
ping ukblx151.ukhx.astrazeneca.net -n 3 | grep icmp

it gives following error Smilie:
0821-077 ping: illegal packet size.
  • But when i give command
ping ukblx151.ukhx.astrazeneca.net

It returns correct output.Smilie

Could you please help?
# 2  
Old 10-17-2007
Can you check the man page of your ping command and see what the '-n' option stands for? What OS is this on?
# 3  
Old 10-18-2007
By default (when packet-size is not specified), the size of transmitted packets is 64 bytes. The minimum value allowed for packet-size is 8 bytes, and the maximum value is 4095 bytes, on some systems is even 65000. If packet-size is smaller than 16 bytes, there is not enough room for timing information. In that case, the round-trip times are not displayed. In your case, the -n flag probably means something else, not the count number.]
The error number looks like AIX, I just tested AIX, and I seem to be right : -n flag means "packet-size", as well as "-s" whereas the count is "-c" flag.
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