Different type of Shells

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Different type of Shells
# 1  
Old 10-08-2002
Different type of Shells

Hello every body
iam new to UNIX and shell scripting and i would like to know the different type of shells.
And also i would like to know the reason for Shell scripts

And tell me which will be the best site for UNIX beginners.


# 2  
Old 10-08-2002
Unix administrator can help me in this regard
# 3  
Old 10-08-2002
i would be happy to point you in the proper direction. Here are some great steps that will help you in the unix world.

1) when you are new to unix try posting in the "Unix for dummies" section.

2) "to get help is to help yourself" remember this quote. i know your asking how do i do that. in this case you could have done a search on the site for "different type of shells" or "UNIX beginners"

3) A quick search on google turns up a great variety of information such as "Introduction to Unix Shells and Shell Scripts" and all i searched for was "different type of shells + unix"

the one question i can answer for you is why we use shell scripts. its to speed up and have a less chance for error a repetative routine that we dont want to do by hand.
# 4  
Old 10-08-2002
Thanks very much optimus for giving support ....

and one question where the shell scripts get executed in UNIX O/S
# 5  
Old 10-08-2002

Here are a few websites that should get you started:

UNIX (General)
http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/ - Dennis Ritchie's homepage (one of the founders of UNIX). Good information on origin and history of UNIX.


UNIX (Shell Scripting)

UNIX (System Admin)
http://www.astro.uni-frankfurt.de/~R...sysadmin.shtml - an extensive collection of system admin links


I hope these help!

Systems/Network Administrator
LiveFire Labs - Hands-On Technical e-Learning
# 6  
Old 10-08-2002
Thanks for the reply biker
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