Renameing files with the find command

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# 1  
Old 04-03-2002
Bug Renameing files with the find command

I am attempting to rename files in a directory tree, using the find command:

find . -name "file-src*" -exec mv {} file-tgt \;

however, this only moves the file to the current dir: I have also tried:

mv 'find . -name file-src' file-tar

find . -name "file-src*" -exec mv {file-tgt} \;

etc, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

# 2  
Old 04-03-2002
There might be better ways to do this.

for i in `find your_dir -type f -name '*'`
mv $i $
# 3  
Old 04-03-2002
thanks - I've tried this statement, however I still get the syntax error for the move command; when I replace the mv with echo $i; it writes out the find argument.

e.g. with the move cmd:
for i in 'find . -type f -name "file*" '
mv $i $i.bak

Output is:
$mv: invalid option

and the echo $i

for i in 'find . -type f -name "file*" '
echo $i

'find . -type f -name "file*"

# 4  
Old 04-03-2002
Are you using single quotes, or backticks? ' or `
Backticks will do what you want. (It's the ` character on the upper-left corner of a standard PC keyboard, usually with the ~ )

If you're using a shell like bash or ksh, you could do it like this:
[...] for each in $(find . -name blah) [...]
But most shells will recognize:
[...] for each in `find . -name blah` [...]
# 5  
Old 04-03-2002
Dont use ' (single quote). Use ` (dont know what it is called but it is left to the '1' key on the key board and above 'TAB')

# 6  
Old 04-03-2002
Sorry LivinFree. probably we replied at the same time.
# 7  
Old 04-03-2002
Good stuff -that works fine. Yah I've had some problems using the ' and ` with commands in the past ....
Thanks again.
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