capture the process id when starting a background process

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting capture the process id when starting a background process
# 8  
Old 03-29-2002
In ksh, $! gives the process ID of the last background command invoked ($PPID is the parent PID).
somecommand &
echo $! >

# 9  
Old 03-31-2002
To save the PID of to pid
Code: & echo $! > pid

This should work in sh, ksh and bash, but not csh.
# 10  
Old 04-01-2002
Thanks Jimbo, moderator, that did it. Very much appreciated, thank you all for your responses.
Jim Leavitt
# 11  
Old 04-04-2002

$? gives the PID of the last process.

But if many processes start consequently,I'm not sure that we
can get the one we search.
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