want to create directory with the previous date

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting want to create directory with the previous date
# 1  
Old 11-18-2007
want to create directory with the previous date

I need some help to complet the below script:

DATE1=`date "+%d"`

#DATE2=`expr $DATE1 - 1`

#DATE3=$DATE2`date "+%m%y"`

DATE4=`date "+%a"`

if [ $DATE4 = Mon ]; then

DATE2=`expr $DATE1 - 3`


DATE2=`expr $DATE1 - 1`


cd /data/builds/612hf8/SAS/retail/plan_61/scripts/meserver

DATE3=$DATE2`date "+%m%y"`

mkdir $DATE3

echo "dir created"

mv *.log $DATE3

echo "logs moved to $DATE3 folder"

The above script creates the directory with the previous day date.

along with the above script output, i need how to create month end directories that means 30th or 31st of date. if suppose date is 1st of any month, this script not creating directory of the previous date that is 30th or 31st.

Please some body help me to complete above script.

I would appreciate your help.

# 2  
Old 11-18-2007
Aha - date arithmetic.
You could set up an array with 28/29/30/31 days lookups for the months and leapyear calculations.

I once wrote a C program called timecalc. Here it is, if it's of any use:
 * Name:
 *	timecalc.c
 * Purpose:
 *	Time calculations.
 * Usage:
 *	timecalc [+|-]n [seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks]
 * History:
 *	050713	GZB	Original.

static char *gsVersion="@(#)timecalc.c GZB 050713";

#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int gbDebug=0;
int gbVerbose=0;
double gfTimeDiff=0;	/* What to change the time by. */
int giTimeDiff=0;	/* What to change the time by. */
int giTimeUnits=1;	/* Time units scaled to seconds. */
char gsDateSep[10]="/";	/* Date separator. */
char gsTimeSep[10]=":";	/* Time separator. */
char gsDtoTSep[10]=" ";	/* Separator between date & time. */

	printf("usage: timecalc [+|-]n [seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks]\n");

	int argc;
	char **argv;
	int i;

	if (gbDebug) printf("CommandArgs()\n");

	for ( i=1; i<argc; i++ )
		if (gbDebug) printf("%d/%d\n", i, argc);

		switch (*argv[i])
			case '+': gfTimeDiff=atof(argv[i]+1); break;
			case '-': gfTimeDiff=-atof(argv[i]+1); break;
			case 's': giTimeUnits=1; break;
			case 'm': giTimeUnits=60; break;
			case 'h': giTimeUnits=60*60; break;
			case 'd': giTimeUnits=60*60*24; break;
			case 'w': giTimeUnits=60*60*24*7; break;
			case 'D': gbDebug=1; break;
			case 'V': gbVerbose=1; break;
			/* case 'T': *gsDateSep='\0'; *gsTimeSep='\0'; break; */
			case 'T': strcpy(gsDateSep,""); strcpy(gsTimeSep,""); break;
			default: Usage(); break;

	giTimeDiff *= giTimeUnits;
	if (gbDebug) printf( "%d %d\n", giTimeDiff, giTimeUnits);

	giTimeDiff = (int)(gfTimeDiff * (double)giTimeUnits);
	if (gbDebug) printf( "%d %f %d\n", giTimeDiff, gfTimeDiff, giTimeUnits);

	struct tm *tp;

	int argc;
	char **argv;
	time_t	t;
	time_t	tnew;
	struct tm *tp;

	t = (time_t)time((time_t *)0);
	if (gbDebug) printf("Seconds since epoch = %d\n", t);


	tnew = t + giTimeDiff;
	if (gbDebug) printf("Seconds adjusted by %d = %d\n", giTimeDiff, tnew);

	if (gbVerbose)
		tp = localtime(&t);
		/* printf(" -> "); */

	tp = localtime(&tnew);

All usual disclaimers, non-warranties, and so-on apply!

Alternatively, you could try and make some clever use of the "cal" (calendar) program.
# 3  
Old 11-18-2007
Check the man page of date, if the -d or --date is suported you can do something like:

date --date='1 day ago'

# 4  
Old 11-18-2007
you can get the previous day's date with following command:

DATE_STAMP=`TZ=CST+24 date +%y%m%d`

Try the following link:

# 5  
Old 11-18-2007


Use the following command to get the previous day's date.

DATE_STAMP=`TZ=CST+24 date +%y%m%d`
# 6  
Old 11-19-2007
want to create directory with the previous date

Thanks Sandy.... its working.

but i am not understanding what is TZ=CST+24, i never seen in the Date manual page also.

Thanks once again.

# 7  
Old 11-19-2007
The time-zone "trick" is unreliable. Take a look at the FAQs.
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