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xkbkeytype(3) [x11r4 man page]

XkbKeyType(3)							   XKB FUNCTIONS						     XkbKeyType(3)

XkbKeyType - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type SYNOPSIS
XkbKeyTypePtr XkbKeyType ( xkb, keycode, group ) XkbDescPtr xkb; KeyCode keycode; int group; ARGUMENTS
- xkb Xkb description of interest - keycode keycode of interest - group group index DESCRIPTION
XkbKeyType returns a pointer to the key type in the types vector of the client map in xkb corresponding to the given keycode and group index. STRUCTURES
typedef struct { /* Key Type */ XkbModsRec mods; /* modifiers used to compute shift level */ unsigned char num_levels; /* total # shift levels, do not modify directly */ unsigned char map_count; /* # entries in map, preserve (if non-NULL) */ XkbKTMapEntryPtr map; /* vector of modifiers for each shift level */ XkbModsPtr preserve; /* mods to preserve for corresponding map entry */ Atom name; /* name of key type */ Atom * level_names; /* array of names of each shift level */ } XkbKeyTypeRec, *XkbKeyTypePtr; X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbKeyType(3)

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XkbCopyKeyType(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						 XkbCopyKeyType(3)

XkbCopyKeyType - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures SYNOPSIS
Status XkbCopyKeyType (XkbKeyTypePtr from, XkbKeyTypePtr into); ARGUMENTS
- from pointer to XkbKeyTypeRec to be copied - into pointer to XkbKeyTypeRec to be changed DESCRIPTION
XkbCopyKeyType copies the key type specified by from to the key type specified by into. Both must point to legal XkbKeyTypeRec structures. Xkb assumes from and into point to different places. As a result, overlaps can be fatal. XkbCopyKeyType frees any existing map, preserve, and level_names in into prior to copying. If any allocation errors occur while copying from to into, XkbCopyKeyType returns BadAlloc. Oth- erwise, XkbCopyKeyType copies from to into and returns Success. STRUCTURES
Key types are used to determine the shift level of a key given the current state of the keyboard. The set of all possible key types for the Xkb keyboard description are held in the types field of the client map, whose total size is stored in size_types, and whose total number of valid entries is stored in num_types. Key types are defined using the following structure: typedef struct { /* Key Type */ XkbModsRec mods; /* modifiers used to compute shift level */ unsigned char num_levels; /* total # shift levels, do not modify directly */ unsigned char map_count; /* # entries in map, preserve (if non-NULL) */ XkbKTMapEntryPtr map; /* vector of modifiers for each shift level */ XkbModsPtr preserve; /* mods to preserve for corresponding map entry */ Atom name; /* name of key type */ Atom * level_names; /* array of names of each shift level */ } XkbKeyTypeRec, *XkbKeyTypePtr; DIAGNOSTICS
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage X Version 11 libX11 1.5.0 XkbCopyKeyType(3)
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