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xdestroyregion(3) [x11r4 man page]

XCreateRegion(3)						  XLIB FUNCTIONS						  XCreateRegion(3)

XCreateRegion, XSetRegion, XDestroyRegion - create or destroy regions SYNTAX
Region XCreateRegion(void); int XSetRegion(Display *display, GC gc, Region r); int XDestroyRegion(Region r); ARGUMENTS
display Specifies the connection to the X server. gc Specifies the GC. r Specifies the region. DESCRIPTION
The XCreateRegion function creates a new empty region. The XSetRegion function sets the clip-mask in the GC to the specified region. The region is specified relative to the drawable's origin. The resulting GC clip origin is implementation-dependent. Once it is set in the GC, the region can be destroyed. The XDestroyRegion function deallocates the storage associated with a specified region. SEE ALSO
XEmptyRegion(3X11), XIntersectRegion(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XCreateRegion(3)

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XIntersectRegion(3)						  XLIB FUNCTIONS					       XIntersectRegion(3)

XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, XXorRegion, XOffsetRegion, XShrinkRegion - region arithmetic SYNTAX
int XIntersectRegion(Region sra, Region srb, Region dr_return); int XUnionRegion(Region sra, Region srb, Region dr_return); int XUnionRectWithRegion(XRectangle *rectangle, Region src_region, Region dest_region_return); int XSubtractRegion(Region sra, Region srb, Region dr_return); int XXorRegion(Region sra, Region srb, Region dr_return); int XOffsetRegion(Region r, int dx, int dy); int XShrinkRegion(Region r, int dx, int dy); ARGUMENTS
dest_region_return Returns the destination region. dr_return Returns the result of the computation. ds Dy move or shrink dx dy Specify the x and y coordinates, which define the amount you want to the specified region. r Specifies the region. rectangle Specifies the rectangle. sra srb Specify the two regions with which you want to perform the computation. src_region Specifies the source region to be used. DESCRIPTION
The XIntersectRegion function computes the intersection of two regions. The XUnionRegion function computes the union of two regions. The XUnionRectWithRegion function updates the destination region from a union of the specified rectangle and the specified source region. The XSubtractRegion function subtracts srb from sra and stores the results in dr_return. The XXorRegion function calculates the difference between the union and intersection of two regions. The XOffsetRegion function moves the specified region by a specified amount. The XShrinkRegion function reduces the specified region by a specified amount. Positive values shrink the size of the region, and negative values expand the region. SEE ALSO
XCreateRegion(3X11), XDrawRectangle(3X11), XEmptyRegion(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XIntersectRegion(3)
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