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dwtscale(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtScale(3Dwt)															    DwtScale(3Dwt)

       DwtScale,  DwtScaleCreate  -  Creates a scale widget that allows an application to display a scale for vernier control of a parameter while
       displaying the current value and range.

       Widget DwtScale(parent_widget, name, x, y,
			width, height, scale_width, scale_height,
			title, min_value, max_value, decimal_points,
			value, orientation, callback,
			drag_callback, help_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Position x, y;
	    Dimension width, height;
	    Dimension scale_width, scale_height;
	    DwtCompString title;
	    int min_value, max_value;
	    int decimal_points;
	    int value;
	    unsigned char orientation;
	    DwtCallbackPtr callback, drag_callback, help_callback;

       Widget DwtScaleCreate (parent_widget, name,
			      override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

       x	 Specifies the placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the  parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies,  in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       width	 Specifies the width of the widget window.  (The window width is calculated based on the scale width, the label widths, and orien-
		 tation.)  This argument sets the DwtNwidth core widget attribute.

       height	 Specifies  the height of the widget window.  (The window height is calculated based on the scale height, the labels, and orienta-
		 tion.)  This argument sets the DwtNheight core widget attribute.

		 Specifies the width of the scale, excluding the scale labels.	This argument sets the DwtNscaleWidth  attribute  associated  with

		 Specifies  the height of the scale, excluding the scale labels.  This argument sets the DwtNscaleHeight attribute associated with

       title	 Specifies the title text string to appear in the scale window widget.	This argument sets the DwtNtitle attribute associated with

       min_value Specifies  the  value	represented by the top or left end of the scale.  This argument sets the DwtNminValue attribute associated
		 with DwtScaleCreate.

       max_value Specifies the value represented by the bottom or right end of the scale.  This argument sets the DwtNmaxValue	attribute  associ-
		 ated with DwtScaleCreate.

		 Specifies  the number of decimal points to shift the current slider value for display of the next slider position.  This argument
		 sets the DwtNdecimalPoints attribute associated with DwtScaleCreate.

       value	 Specifies the current slider position along the scale (the value selected  by	the  user).   This  argument  sets  the  DwtNvalue
		 attribute associated with DwtScaleCreate.

		 Specifies whether the scale is displayed vertically or horizontally.  You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal or DwtOrientationVer-
		 tical.  This argument sets the DwtNorientation attribute associated with DwtScaleCreate.

       callback  Specifies the callback function or functions called back when the value of the scale changes.	This argument  sets  the  DwtNval-
		 ueChangedCallback attribute associated with DwtScaleCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user is dragging the scale slider.  For this callback, the reason is
		 DwtCRDrag.  This argument sets the DwtNdragCallback attribute associated with DwtScaleCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.  This argument sets the DwtNhelpCallback  common
		 widget attribute.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The  DwtScale and DwtScaleCreate functions create an instance of the scale widget and return its associated widget ID.  The scale widget is
       a primitive widget figure that allows the application to display a scale for vernier control of a specific parameter by the user.  The user
       moves  or drags a slider, which is part of the scale widget, and places the slider at a position representing the desired value.  The scale
       may have labeled text at any number of points identifying the values corresponding to the points.  The scale can be  made  insensitive  and
       used as an output value indicator only (for example, a thermometer or percent completion indicator).

       The  application passes lower and upper values for the scale as integers and can (optionally) indicate a decimal point position.  For exam-
       ple, a DwtNminValue of 100, a DwtNmaxValue of 10000, and a DwtNdecimalPoints of 2 would produce a scale from 1.00 to 100.00.  Possible val-
       ues returned from this example could be 230 or 5783.

       Scale widget labels are provided by its children.  The labels can be any widgets created using the scale widget as the parent.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	Calculated    based   on
						scale width,  the  label
						widths, and the orienta-
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	Calculated   based    on
						scale  height, the label
						widths, and the orienta-
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	zero pixels
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map

       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The  bitwise  AND of the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	 and  DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Common Attributes

       DwtNforeground	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap     Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNuserData	       Opaque * 	NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL       unsigned char	DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNfont 	       DwtFontList	The  default XUI Toolkit
       DwtNhelpCallback        DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name		  Data Type	   Default
       DwtNvalue		  int		   zero
       DwtNtitle		  DwtCompString    Scale name
       DwtNorientation		  unsigned char    DwtOrientationHorizontal
       DwtNscaleWidth		  Dimension	   100 pixels
       DwtNscaleHeight		  Dimension	   20 pixels
       DwtNminValue		  int		   Zero
       DwtNmaxValue		  int		   100
       DwtNdecimalPoints	  short 	   Zero
       DwtNshowValue		  Boolean	   True
       DwtNdragCallback 	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNvalueChangedCallback   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL

       DwtNvalue      Specifies the current slider position along the scale (the value selected by the user).

       DwtNtitleType  Specifies the title type.  You can pass DwtCString or DwtPixmap.

       DwtNtitle      Specifies the title text string to appear in the scale window widget.

		      Specifies whether the scale is displayed vertically or horizontally.  You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal  or  DwtOrienta-

       DwtNscaleWidth Specifies the thickness in pixels of the scale itself, not counting the labels.

		      Specifies the height of the scale, excluding the scale labels.

       DwtNminValue   Specifies the value represented by the top or left end of the scale.

       DwtNmaxValue   Specifies the value represented by the bottom or right end of the scale.

		      Specifies the number of decimal points to shift the current slider value for display of the next slider position.

       DwtNshowValue  Specifies  a  boolean value that, when True, states that the current value of the slider label string will be displayed next
		      to the slider.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user is dragging the scale slider.  For this callback, the rea-
		      son is DwtCRDrag.

		      Specifies  the  callback	function  or  functions called when the scale value was changed.  For this callback, the reason is

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
			       int reason;
			       XEvent *event;
			       int value;
       } DwtScaleCallbackStruct;

       The reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For this callback, the reason member  can
       be set to:

       DwtCRValueChanged    The user moved the slider
			    in the scale with drag or

       DwtCRDrag	    The  user is dragging the

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The user selected Help.

       The event member is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This  structure  is  a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library: C Language Binding.

       The value member is set to the current value of the scale.

See Also
       DwtScaleGetSlider(3Dwt), DwtScaleSetSlider(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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