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dwthelp(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtHelp(3Dwt)															     DwtHelp(3Dwt)

       DwtHelp, DwtHelpCreate - Creates a help menu widget.

       Widget DwtHelp(parent_widget, name, default_position,
		      x, y, application_name,
		      library_type, library_spec, first_topic,
		      overview_topic, glossary_topic, unmap_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    DwtCompString name;
	    Boolean default_position;
	    Position x, y;
	    DwtCompString application_name;
	    int library_type;
	    DwtCompString library_spec;
	    DwtCompString first_topic;
	    DwtCompString overview_topic;
	    DwtCompString glossary_topic;
	    DwtCallbackPtr unmap_callback;

       Widget DwtHelpCreate (parent_widget, name,
			      override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

		 Specifies  a  boolean	value that, when True, indicates that DwtNx and DwtNy will be ignored forcing the default.  By default the
		 help widget is positioned so that it does not occlude the parent widget on the screen.  This argument sets  the  DwtNdefaultPosi-
		 tion attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

       x	 Specifies  the  placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies, in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

		 Specifies  the application name to be used in the widget title bar.  This argument sets the DwtNapplicationName attribute associ-
		 ated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies the type of help topic library specified by DwtNlibrarySpec.  You can pass DwtTextLibrary,  which  is  an  ULTRIX  help
		 directory.  This argument sets the DwtNlibraryType attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies  a host system file specification that identifies the help topic library, for example, /usr/help/decwhelp on UNIX-based
		 systems.  This argument sets the DwtNlibrarySpec attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies the first help topic to be displayed.  If you pass a NULL string, the help menu widget displays a  list  of	level  one
		 topics.  This argument sets the DwtNoverviewTopic attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies the application overview topic.  This argument sets the DwtNoverviewTopic attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies  the  application  glossary topic.  If you pass a NULL string, the Visit Glossary entry does not appear in the widget's
		 View pull-down menu.  This argument sets the DwtNglossaryTopic attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when the help menu widget window was unmapped.  For this callback, the reason
		 is DwtCRUnmap.  This argument sets the DwtCRUnmap attribute associated with DwtHelpCreate.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The DwtHelp and DwtHelpCreate functions create an instance of a help menu widget and return its associated widget ID.

       The  help  menu widget is a modeless widget that allows the application to display appropriate user assistance information in response to a
       user request.  The help menu widget displays an initial help topic and then gives the user the ability to select and view  additional  help

       The  DwtNfirstTopic  attribute  allows the application to provide context-sensitive help by selecting a specific topic based on implicit or
       explicit cues from the user.

       The format of the DwtNfirstTopic, DwtNoverviewTopic, and DwtNglossaryTopic compound-strings depends on DwtNlibraryType.	If DwtNlibraryType
       is DwtTextLibrary, the topic string is a sequence of help library keys separated by one or more spaces.

       Once the widget has been created, you can change the help topic by specifying a new DwtNfirstTopic by calling XtSetValues, and then causing
       the help menu widget to appear by calling XtManageChild.

       When the user terminates a help session (using the Exit function), the widget is automatically unmanaged.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	Cannot	be  set  by  the
						caller.   The  help menu
						widget	calculates   the
						width, based on the size
						of the text window (Dwt-
						Ncols and DwtNrows).
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	Cannot	be  set  by  the
						caller.  The  help  menu
						widget	 calculates  the
						height,  based	on   the
						size  of the text window
						(DwtNcols and DwtNrows).
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	One pixel
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map
       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The bitwise AND  of  the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	and   DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL

       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Common Attributes

       DwtNforeground	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap     Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNuserData	       Opaque * 	NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL       unsigned char	DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNfont 	       DwtFontList	The default XUI  Toolkit
       DwtNhelpCallback        DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name		   Data Type	    Default
       DwtNaboutLabel		   DwtCompString    "About"
       DwtNaddtopicLabel	   DwtCompString    " Additional topics"
       DwtNapplicationName	   DwtCompString    NULL
       DwtNbadframeMessage	   DwtCompString    "Couldn't  find  frame
       DwtNbadlibMessage	   DwtCompString    "Couldn't open library
       DwtNcacheHelpLibrary	   Boolean	    False
       DwtNcloseLabel		   DwtCompString    "Exit"
       DwtNcols 		   int		    Language-dependent.
						    The  American  English
						    default is 55.
       DwtNcopyLabel		   DwtCompString    "Copy"
       DwtNdefaultPosition	   Boolean	    True
       DwtNdismissLabel 	   DwtCompString    "Dismiss"
       DwtNeditLabel		   DwtCompString    "Edit"
       DwtNerroropenMessage	   DwtCompString    "Error   opening  file
       DwtNexitLabel		   DwtCompString    "Exit"
       DwtNfileLabel		   DwtCompString    "File"
       DwtNfirstTopic		   DwtCompString    NULL
       DwtNglossaryLabel	   DwtCompString    "Glossary"
       DwtNglossaryTopic	   DwtCompString    NULL
       DwtNgobackLabel		   DwtCompString    "Go Back"
       DwtNgobacktopicLabel	   DwtCompString    "Go Back"
       DwtNgooverLabel		   DwtCompString    "Go To Overview"
       DwtNgotoLabel		   DwtCompString    "Go To"
       DwtNgototopicLabel	   DwtCompString    "Go To Topic"
       DwtNhelpAcknowledgeLabel    DwtCompString    "Acknowledge"
       DwtNhelpFont		   DwtFontList	    Language-dependent.
						    The  American  English
						    default is	"-*-TERMI-
       DwtNhelpLabel		   DwtCompString    "Using Help"
       DwtNhelphelpLabel	   DwtCompString    "Overview"
       DwtNhelpOnHelpTitle	   DwtCompString    "Using Help"
       DwtNhelpontitleLabel	   DwtCompString    "Help on "
       DwtNhelptitleLabel	   DwtCompString    "Help"
       DwtNhistoryLabel 	   DwtCompString    "History..."
       DwtNhistoryboxLabel	   DwtCompString    "Search Topic History"
       DwtNkeywordLabel 	   DwtCompString    "Keyword..."
       DwtNkeywordsLabel	   DwtCompString    "Keyword "

       DwtNlibrarySpec		   DwtCompString    NULL
       DwtNlibraryType		   int		    DwtTextLibrary
       DwtNnokeywordMessage	   DwtCompString    "Couldn't find keyword !CS"
       DwtNnotitleMessage	   DwtCompString    "No  title	to  match  string
       DwtNnulllibMessage	   DwtCompString    "No library specified\n"
       DwtNmapCallback		   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNoverviewTopic	   DwtCompString    NULL
       DwtNrows 		   int		    Language-dependent.       The
						    American  English  default is
       DwtNsaveasLabel		   DwtCompString    "Save As..."
       DwtNsearchapplyLabel	   DwtCompString    "Apply"
       DwtNsearchkeywordboxLabel   DwtCompString    "Search Topic Keywords"
       DwtNsearchLabel		   DwtCompString    "Search"
       DwtNsearchtitleboxLabel	   DwtCompString    "Search Topic Titles"
       DwtNselectallLabel	   DwtCompString    "Select All"
       DwtNtitleLabel		   DwtCompString    "Title..."
       DwtNtitlesLabel		   DwtCompString    "Title "
       DwtNtopictitlesLabel	   DwtCompString    "Topic Titles "
       DwtNunmapCallback	   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNviewLabel		   DwtCompString    "View"
       DwtNvisitglosLabel	   DwtCompString    "Visit Glossary"
       DwtNvisitLabel		   DwtCompString    "Visit"
       DwtNvisittopicLabel	   DwtCompString    "Visit Topic"

       DwtNaboutLabel Specifies the text for one of the pull-down menu entries displayed when the user clicks on the Help entry on the menu bar.

		      Specifies the text for the label indicating additional topics for help.

		      Specifies the application name to be used in the widget title bar.

		      Specifies the text for the message displayed when a frame could not be found.

		      Specifies the text for the message displayed when a requested library could not be found.

		      Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the text is stored in cache memory.  If False,	the  text  is  not
		      stored in cache memory.

       DwtNcloseLabel Specifies the label for the Exit push button in the help widget window.

       DwtNcols       Specifies the width, in characters, of the Help Menu text window.

       DwtNcopyLabel  Specifies the text for the copy entry on the pull-down menu under Edit on the help widget menu bar.

		      Specifies  a  boolean value that, when True, indicates that DwtNx and DwtNy will be ignored forcing the default.	By default
		      the help widget is positioned so that it does not occlude the parent widget on the screen.

		      Specifies the text for the push button label used to dismiss a help widget dialog box (for example, Search  History,  Search
		      Title, Search Keyword boxes).

       DwtNeditLabel  Specifies the text for the edit entry on the help window menu bar.

		      Specifies the text for the error message displayed when a file cannot be opened.

       DwtNexitLabel  Specifies the text for the push button or pull-down menu entry that allows the user to exit from help.

       DwtNfileLabel  Specifies the text for the file entry on the help window menu bar.

       DwtNfirstTopic Specifies  the  first  help topic to be displayed.  If you pass a NULL string, the help menu widget displays a list of level
		      one topics.

		      Specifies the text for the glossary entry on the pull-down menu under Help on a help window menu bar.

		      Specifies the application glossary topic.  If you pass a NULL string, the Visit Glossary entry does not appear in  the  wid-
		      get's View pull-down menu.

		      Specifies  the text for a label used on the pull-down menu under View.  Clicking on this object returns the user to the pre-
		      vious topic displayed.

		      Specifies the label for the Go Back push button in the help widget window.

		      Specifies the text for a label used on the pull-down menu under View.  Clicking on this label causes the Overview of Help to
		      appear in the Help window.

       DwtNgotoLabel  Specifies  the  text  for  the label used on a push button in the help widget's dialog boxes.  Clicking on this object after
		      selecting a new topic displays help on the new topic in the same Help window.

		      Specifies the label for the Go To Topic menu entry in the View pull-down menu.

		      Specifies the label for the Acknowledge push button in the error message box.

       DwtNhelpFont   Specifies the font of the text displayed in the help menu widget.

		      Specifies the label for the Overview menu item in the Using Help pull-down menu.

       DwtNhelpLabel  Specifies the text for the label on the pull-down menu under Help.

		      Specifies the label for the title bar in the Help-on-Help help widget.

		      Specifies the label for the help widget title bar used in conjunction with the application name.

		      Specifies the label for the help widget title bar when no application name is specified.

		      Specifies the text for the label in the pull-down menu under Help.

		      Specifies the text for the label used in a history box.

		      Specifies the text for the label in the pull-down menu under Help.

		      Specifies the text for the label used in a Search Topic Keyword box to identify the text entry field.

		      Specifies a host system file specification that identifies the help topic library, for example, /usr/help/decwhelp on  UNIX-
		      based systems.

		      Specifies the type of help topic library specified by DwtNlibrarySpec.  You can pass DwtTextLibrary, which is an ULTRIX help

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the help widget is about to be mapped.

		      Specifies the text for the message displayed when a requested keyword cannot be found.

		      Specifies the text for the message displayed when a requested title cannot be found.

		      Specifies the text for the message displayed when no library has been specified.

		      Specifies the application overview topic.

       DwtNrows       Specifies the height, in characters, of the Help Menu text window.

		      Specifies the text for an entry on a pull-down menu under File on the Help menu bar.  Clicking on this entry allows  a  user
		      to save the current help text in a file.	A file selection dialog box is displayed.

		      Specifies the text for the push button label used to initiate a search action in a Search dialog box.

		      Specifies the text for the label used in a Search Topic Keywords box.

		      Specifies the text for an entry on a Help window menu bar.

		      Specifies the text for the title of a Search Topic Titles box.

		      Specifies  the  text for an entry on the pull-down menu under Edit.  Clicking on this entry selects all the text in the work
		      area (text widget only).

       DwtNtitleLabel Specifies the text for an entry on the pull-down menu under Search.  Clicking on this entry allows a user to  search  for  a
		      topic by title.

		      Specifies the text for the label that identifies the text entry field on the Search Topic Titles box.

		      Specifies  the  text  for  the label that identifies the topics found as a result of a title search in a Search Topic Titles

       DwtNviewLabel  Specifies the text for the View entry on a help menu bar.

		      Specifies the text for the pull-down menu entry under View.  Clicking on this entry causes the glossary to be displayed in a
		      new Help window.

       DwtNvisitLabel Specifies  the  text for an entry on a push button in a help widget's dialog boxes.  Clicking on this object causes informa-
		      tion on a new topic to be displayed in a new window.

		      Specifies the label for the Visit Topic menu entry in the View pull-down menu.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the help menu widget window was unmapped.  For this  callback,  the
		      reason is DwtCRUnmap.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
				int reason;
				XEvent *event;
       } DwtAnyCallbackStruct;
       The  reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For this callback, the reason member can
       be set to:

       DwtCRUnmap	 The   help   window   was

       The  event  member  is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This structure is a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library: C Language Binding.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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