vterm not working

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Operating Systems AIX vterm not working
# 1  
Old 02-01-2008
vterm not working

Dear all,

This is my first post to the forum so hopefully I am doing this right. I have only several months experience with AIX and my previous unix experience has been BSDs and linux. I ran into some issues recently with the HMC vterm for one for the LPAR.

There are two LPARs created on one managed machine. The vterm console for one LPAR is working, but it is not working for the other LPAR. When I run a /usr/sbin/getty -N /dev/console via a SSH session, the vterm starting working again.

I have tried deleting the console's ODM entry, doing smitty chgtty to set login to enable, stopping the auditing services, comparing inttab entries with the working LPAR but to no avail.

This issue has been dragging for several weeks and I would appreciate any ideas or input from anyone.

Chi Khing
# 2  
Old 02-01-2008
I suspect the SMS console is set wrong.
Next time you can reboot, don't, do a shutdown.
Then activate the LPAR from the HMC to SMS, and tick the open a console box.
In SMS set the console, option 4 I think.
Exit SMS and the LPAR will come up.

If that does not work please post what happens when you open the console from the HMC.
If it is a power 4 or a power 5 machine.
The AIX level and TL / ML and SP.
The inittab entry.
ssh into the HMC or open a terminal session on the HMC and use vtmenu to try and open the LPAR console - what happens?
Post anything else console related you can think of.
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