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xmtextgetselectionposition(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmTextGetSelectionPosition(3X)											    XmTextGetSelectionPosition(3X)

XmTextGetSelectionPosition - A Text function that accesses the position of the primary selection SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Text.h> Boolean XmTextGetSelectionPosition (widget, left, right) Widget widget; XmTextPosition *left; XmTextPosition *right; DESCRIPTION
XmTextGetSelectionPosition accesses the left and right position of the primary selection in the text buffer of the Text widget. Specifies the Text widget ID Specifies the pointer in which the position of the left boundary of the primary selection is returned. This is an inte- ger number of characters from the beginning of the buffer. The first character position is 0. Specifies the pointer in which the position of the right boundary of the primary selection is returned. This is an integer number of characters from the beginning of the buffer. The first character position is 0. For a complete definition of Text and its associated resources, see XmText(3X). RETURN VALUE
This function returns True if the widget owns the primary selection; otherwise, it returns False. SEE ALSO
XmText(3X) XmTextGetSelectionPosition(3X)

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XmTextPosToXY(library call)											       XmTextPosToXY(library call)

XmTextPosToXY -- A Text function that accesses the x and y position of a character position SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Text.h> Boolean XmTextPosToXY( Widget widget, XmTextPosition position, Position *x, Position *y); DESCRIPTION
XmTextPosToXY accesses the x and y position, relative to the upper left corner of the Text widget, of a given character position in the text buffer. In the case of horizontal writing, the position is the origin of the character. In the case of vertical writing, the position is the verti- cal origin of the character. widget Specifies the Text widget ID position Specifies the character position in the text for which the x and y position is accessed. This is an integer number of characters from the beginning of the buffer. The first character position is 0 (zero). x Specifies the pointer in which the x position is returned. The returned position is the distance from the left side of the wid- get to the left border of the character. This value is meaningful only if the function returns True. y Specifies the pointer in which the y position is returned. The returned position is the distance from the top of the widget to the character's baseline. This value is meaningful only if the function returns True. For a complete definition of Text and its associated resources, see XmText(3). RETURN
This function returns True if the character position is displayed in the Text widget; otherwise, it returns False, and no x or y value is returned. RELATED
XmText(3). XmTextPosToXY(library call)
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