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xmfileselectionbox(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmFileSelectionBox(3X)													    XmFileSelectionBox(3X)

XmFileSelectionBox - The FileSelectionBox widget class SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/FileSB.h> DESCRIPTION
FileSelectionBox traverses through directories, views the files and subdirectories in them, and then selects files. A FileSelectionBox has five main areas: A text input field for displaying and editing a directory mask used to select the files to be dis- played A scrollable list of filenames A scrollable list of subdirectories A text input field for displaying and editing a filename A group of PushButtons, labeled OK, Filter, Cancel, and Help Additional children may be added to the FileSelectionBox after creation. FileSelectionBox inherits the layout functionality provided by SelectionBox for any additional children. The list of filenames, the list of subdirectories, or both can be removed from the FileSelection- Box after creation by unmanaging the appropriate widgets and their labels. The list and label widgets are obtained by calling the function XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild. To remove either the directory list or the file list, unmanage the parent of the appropriate list widget and unmanage the corresponding label. The user can specify resources in a resource file for the automatically created widgets and gadgets of FileSelectionBox. The following list identifies the names of these widgets (or gadgets) and the associated FileSelectionBox areas. Filter Label--"FilterLabel": Filter Text--"Text" Directory List--"DirList" Directory List Label--"Dir" The directory mask is a string specifying the base directory to be examined and a search pattern. Ordinarily, the directory list displays the subdirectories of the base directory, as well as the base directory itself and its parent directory. The file list ordinarily displays all files and/or subdirectories in the base directory that match the search pattern. A procedure specified by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc resource extracts the base directory and search pattern from the directory mask. If the directory specification is empty, the current working directory is used. If the search pattern is empty, a pattern that matches all files is used. An application can supply its own XmNqualifySearchDataProc as well as its own procedures to search for subdirectories and files. The default XmNqualifySearchDataProc works as follows: The directory mask is a pathname that can contain zero or more wildcard characters in its directory portion, its file portion, or both. The directory components of the directory mask up to, but not including, the first component with a wildcard character specify the direc- tory to be searched, relative to the current working directory. The remaining components specify the search pattern. If the directory mask is empty or if its first component contains a wildcard character, the current working directory is searched. If no component of the direc- tory mask contains a wildcard character, the entire directory mask is the directory specification, and all files in that directory are matched. The user can select a new directory to examine by scrolling through the list of directories and selecting the desired directory or by edit- ing the directory mask. Selecting a new directory from the directory list does not change the search pattern. A user can select a new search pattern by editing the directory mask. Double clicking or pressing KActivate on a directory in the directory list initiates a search for files and subdirectories in the new directory, using the current search pattern. The user can select a file by scrolling through the list of filenames and selecting the desired file or by entering the filename directly into the text edit area. Selecting a file from the list causes that filename to appear in the file selection text edit area. The user may select a new file as many times as desired. The application is not notified until the user takes one of these actions: Selects the OK PushButton. Presses KActivate while the selection text edit area has the keyboard focus. Double clicks or presses KActivate on an item in the file list FileSelectionBox initiates a directory and file search when any of the following occurs: The FileSelectionBox is initialized The function XtSetValues is used to change XmNdirMask, XmNdirectory, XmNpattern, or XmNfileTypeMask The user activates the Filter PushButton The user double clicks or presses KActivate on an item in the directory list The application calls XmFileSelectionDoSearch The user presses KActi- vate while the directory mask text edit area has the keyboard focus When a file search is initiated, the FileSelectionBox takes the following actions: Constructs an XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct structure with values appropriate for the action that initiated the search Calls the XmNqualifySearchDataProc with the callback structure as the data input argument Sets XmNdirectoryValid and XmNlistUpdated to False Calls the XmNdirSearchProc with the qualified data returned by the XmN- qualifySearchDataProc If XmNdirectoryValid is True, the FileSelectionBox takes these additional actions: Sets XmNlistUpdated to False Calls the XmNfileSearchProc with the qualified data returned by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearchProc) If XmNlistUpdated is True and the file list is empty, displays the XmNnoMatchString in the file list and clears the selection text and XmNdirSpec If XmNlistUpdated is True and the file list is not empty, sets the selection text and XmNdirSpec to the qualified dir returned by the XmNqualifySearchDat- aProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearchProc) Sets the directory mask text and XmNdirMask to the qualified mask returned by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearchProc) Sets XmNdirectory to the qualified dir returned by the XmNqualify- SearchDataProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearchProc) Sets XmNpattern to the qualified pattern returned by the XmNqualifySearch- DataProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearchProc) Classes FileSelectionBox inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Constraint, XmManager, XmBulletinBoard, and XmSelectionBox. The class pointer is xmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass. The class name is XmFileSelectionBox. New Resources The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words). The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A). XmFileSelectionBox Resource Set Class: XmCDirectory Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCDirectoryValid Default: dynamic Type: Boolean Access: SG Class: XmCDirListItems Default: dynamic Type: XmStringTable Access: SG Class: XmCDirListItemCount Default: dynamic Type: int Access: SG Class: XmCDirListLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCDirMask Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCDirSearchProc Default: default procedure Type: XmSearchProc Access: CSG Class: XmCDirSpec Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCItems Default: dynamic Type: XmStringTable Access: SG Class: XmCItemCount Default: dynamic Type: int Access: SG Class: XmC- FileListLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCFileSearchProc Default: default procedure Type: XmSearchProc Access: CSG Class: XmCFileTypeMask Default: XmFILE_REGULAR Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCFilterLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCListUpdated Default: dynamic Type: Boolean Access: SG Class: XmCNoMatchString Default: " [ ] " Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCPattern Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCQualifySearchDataProc Default: default procedure Type: XmQualifyProc Access: CSG Specifies the base directory used in combination with XmNpattern in determining the files and directories to be displayed. The default value is determined by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc and depends on the initial values of XmNdirMask, XmNdirectory, and XmNpattern. If the default is NULL or empty, the current working directory is used. Specifies an attribute that is set only by the directory search proce- dure. The value is set to True if the directory passed to the directory search procedure can actually be searched. If this value is False the file search procedure is not called, and XmNdirMask, XmNdirectory, and XmNpattern are not changed. Specifies the items in the direc- tory list. XtGetValues for this resource returns the list items themselves, not a copy of the list items. The application must not free the returned items. Specifies the number of items in the directory list. The value must not be negative. Specifies the label string of the directory list. The default for this resource depends on the locale. In the C locale the default is "Directories". Specifies the directory mask used in determining the files and directories to be displayed. The default value is determined by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc and depends on the initial values of XmNdirMask, XmNdirectory, and XmNpattern. Specifies a directory search procedure to replace the default directory-search procedure. FileSelectionBox's default directory-search procedure fulfills the needs of most applications. Because it is impossible to cover the requirements of all applications, you can replace the default search procedure. The directory search procedure is called with two arguments: the FileSelectionBox widget and a pointer to an XmFileSelectionBoxCall- backStruct structure. The callback structure is generated by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc and contains all information required to conduct a directory search, including the directory mask and a qualified base directory and search pattern. Once called, it is up to the search routine to generate a new list of directories and update the FileSelectionBox widget by using XtSetValues. The search procedure must set XmNdirectoryValid and XmNlistUpdated. If it generates a new list of directories, it must also set XmNdirListItems and XmNdirListItemCount. If the search procedure cannot search the specified directory, it must warn the user and set XmNdirectoryValid and XmNlistUpdated to False, unless it prompts and subsequently obtains a valid directory. If the directory is valid but is the same as the current XmNdi- rectory, the search procedure must set XmNdirectoryValid to True, but it may elect not to generate a new list of directories. In this case is must set XmNlistUpdated to False. If the search procedure generates a new list of directories, it must set XmNdirListItems to the new list of directories and XmNdirListItemCount to the number of items in the list. If there are no directories, it sets XmNdirListItems to NULL and XmNdirLis- tItemCount to 0. In either case it must set XmNdirectoryValid and XmNlistUpdated to True. The search procedure ordinarily should not change the callback struct. But if the original directory is not valid, the search pro- cedure may obtain a new directory from the user. In this case it should set the dir member of the callback struct to the new direc- tory, call the XmNqualifySearchDataProc with the callback struct as the input argument, and copy the qualified data returned by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc into the callback struct. Specifies the full file path specification. This is the XmNtextString resource in SelectionBox, renamed for FileSelectionBox. The default value is determined by the FileSelectionBox after conducting the initial directory and file search. Specifies the items in the file list. This is the XmNlistItems resource in SelectionBox, renamed for FileSelectionBox. XtGetValues for this resource returns the list items themselves, not a copy of the list items. The application must not free the returned items. Specifies the number of items in the file list. This is the XmNlistItemCount resource in Selec- tionBox, renamed for FileSelectionBox. The value must not be negative. Specifies the label string of the file list. This is the XmNlistLabelString resource in SelectionBox, renamed for FileSelectionBox. The default for this resource depends on the locale. In the C locale the default is "Files". Specifies a file search procedure to replace the default file-search procedure. FileSelection- Box's default file-search procedure fulfills the needs of most applications. Because it is impossible to cover the requirements of all applications, you can replace the default search procedure. The file search procedure is called with two arguments: the FileSelectionBox widget and a pointer to an XmFileSelectionBoxCallback- Struct structure. The callback structure is generated by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc (and possibly modified by the XmNdirSearch- Proc). It contains all information required to conduct a file search, including the directory mask and a qualified base directory and search pattern. Once called, it is up to the search routine to generate a new list of files and update the FileSelectionBox wid- get by using XtSetValues. The search procedure must set XmNlistUpdated. If it generates a new list of files, it must also set XmNfileListItems and XmNfileLis- tItemCount. The search procedure is recommended always to generate a new list of files. If the mask member of the callback struct is the same as the mask member of the callback struct in the preceding call to the search procedure, the procedure may elect not to generate a new list of files. In this case it must set XmNlistUpdated to False. If the search procedure generates a new list of files, it must set XmNfileListItems to the new list of files and XmNfileListItem- Count to the number of items in the list. If there are no files, it sets XmNfileListItems to NULL and XmNfileListItemCount to 0. In either case it must set XmNlistUpdated to True. In constructing the list of files, the search procedure should include only files of the types specified by the widget's XmNfile- TypeMask. Setting XmNdirSpec is optional, but recommended. Set this attribute to the full file specification of the directory searched. The directory specification is displayed below the directory and file lists. Specifies the type of files listed in the file list. Fol- lowing are the possible values: XmFILE_REGULAR restricts the file list to contain only regular files. XmFILE_DIRECTORY restricts the file list to contain only directories. XmFILE_ANY_TYPE allows the list to contain all file types including directories. Speci- fies the label string for the text entry field for the directory mask. The default for this resource depends on the locale. In the C locale the default is "Filter". Specifies an attribute that is set only by the directory and file search procedures. Set to True if the search procedure updated the directory or file list. Specifies a string to be displayed in the file list if the list of files is empty. Specifies the search pattern used in combination with XmNdirectory in determining the files and directories to be dis- played. The default value is determined by the XmNqualifySearchDataProc and depends on the initial values of XmNdirMask, XmNdirec- tory, and XmNpattern. If the default is NULL or empty, a pattern that matches all files is used. Specifies a search data qualifica- tion procedure to replace the default data qualification procedure. FileSelectionBox's default data qualification procedure fulfills the needs of most applications. Because it is impossible to cover the requirements of all applications, you can replace the default procedure. The data qualification procedure is called to generate a qualified directory mask, base directory, and search pattern for use by the directory and file search procedures. It is called with three arguments: the FileSelectionBox widget and pointers to two XmFileSe- lectionBoxCallbackStruct structures. The first callback struct contains the input data. The second callback struct contains the out- put data, to be filled in by the data qualification procedure. If the input dir and pattern members are not NULL, the procedure must copy them to the corresponding members of the output callback struct. If the input dir is NULL, the procedure constructs the output dir as follows: If the input mask member is NULL, the procedure uses the widget's XmNdirectory as the output dir; otherwise, it extracts the output dir from the input mask. If the resulting output dir is empty, the procedure uses the current working directory instead. If the input pattern is NULL, the procedure constructs the output pattern as follows: If the input mask member is NULL, the proce- dure uses the widget's XmNpattern as the output pattern; otherwise, it extracts the output pattern from the input mask. If the resulting output pattern is empty, the procedure uses a pattern that matches all files instead. The data qualification procedure constructs the output mask from the output dir and pattern. The procedure must ensure that the out- put dir, pattern, and mask are fully qualified. If the input value member is not NULL, the procedure must copy it to the output value member; otherwise, the procedure must copy the widget's XmNdirSpec to the output value. The data qualification procedure must calculate the lengths of the output value, mask, dir, and pattern members and must fill in the corresponding length members of the output callback struct. The data qualification procedure must copy the input reason and event members to the corresponding output members. The values of the XmNdirSearchProc and XmNfileSearchProc are procedure pointers of type XmSearchProc, defined as follows: void (* XmSearchProc) (w, search_data) Widget w; XtPointer search_data; The FileSelectionBox widget Pointer to an XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct containing information for conducting a search The value of the XmNqualifySearchDataProc resource is a procedure pointer of type XmQualifyProc, defined as follows: void (* XmQualifyProc) (w, input_data, output_data) Widget w; XtPointer input_data; XtPointer output_data; The FileSelectionBox widget Pointer to an XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct containing input data to be qualified Pointer to an XmFileSelec- tionBoxCallbackStruct containing output data to be filled in by the qualification procedure Inherited Resources FileSelectionBox inherits behavior and resources from the following superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man page for that superclass. XmSelectionBox Resource Set Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCApplyLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCCancelLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCChildPlacement Default: XmPLACE_ABOVE_SELECTION Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCDialogType Default: XmDIA- LOG_FILE_SELECTION Type: unsigned char Access: G Class: XmCHelpLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCItem- Count Default: dynamic Type: int Access: CSG Class: XmCItems Default: dynamic Type: XmStringTable Access: CSG Class: XmCListLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCVisibleItemCount Default: dynamic Type: int Access: CSG Class: XmCMinimizeButtons Default: False Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCMustMatch Default: False Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCOkLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCSelectionLabelString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCTextAccelerators Default: default Type: XtAccelerators Access: C Class: XmCColumns Default: dynamic Type: short Access: CSG Class: XmCTextString Default: dynamic Type: XmString Access: CSG XmBulletinBoard Resource Set Class: XmCAllowOverlap Default: True Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCAutoUnmanage Default: False Type: Boolean Access: CG Class: XmCButtonFontList Default: dynamic Type: XmFontList Access: CSG Class: XmCWidget Default: Cancel button Type: Widget Access: SG Class: XmCWidget Default: OK button Type: Widget Access: SG Class: XmCDefaultPosition Default: True Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCDi- alogStyle Default: dynamic Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCDialogTitle Default: NULL Type: XmString Access: CSG Class: XmCCall- back Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCLabelFontList Default: dynamic Type: XmFontList Access: CSG Class: XmCCall- back Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCMarginHeight Default: 10 Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCMarginWidth Default: 10 Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCNoResize Default: False Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCResizePolicy Default: XmRE- SIZE_ANY Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCShadowType Default: XmSHADOW_OUT Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCText- FontList Default: dynamic Type: XmFontList Access: CSG Class: XmCTranslations Default: NULL Type: XtTranslations Access: C Class: XmC- Callback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C XmManager Resource Set Class: XmCBottomShadowColor Default: dynamic Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCBottomShadowPixmap Default: XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP Type: Pixmap Access: CSG Class: XmCForeground Default: dynamic Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCHighlightColor Default: dynamic Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCHighlightPixmap Default: dynamic Type: Pixmap Access: CSG Class: XmCInitialFocus Default: dynamic Type: Widget Access: CSG Class: XmCNavigationType Default: XmTAB_GROUP Type: XmNavi- gationType Access: CSG Class: XmCShadowThickness Default: dynamic Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCStringDirection Default: dynamic Type: XmStringDirection Access: CG Class: XmCTopShadowColor Default: dynamic Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCTopShadowPixmap Default: dynamic Type: Pixmap Access: CSG Class: XmCTraversalOn Default: True Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCUnitType Default: dynamic Type: unsigned char Access: CSG Class: XmCUserData Default: NULL Type: XtPointer Access: CSG Composite Resource Set Class: XmCReadOnly Default: NULL Type: WidgetList Access: G Class: XmCInsertPosition Default: NULL Type: XtOrderProc Access: CSG Class: XmCReadOnly Default: 0 Type: Cardinal Access: G Core Resource Set Class: XmCAccelerators Default: dynamic Type: XtAccelerators Access: N/A Class: XmCSensitive Default: dynamic Type: Boolean Access: G Class: XmCBackground Default: dynamic Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCPixmap Default: XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP Type: Pixmap Access: CSG Class: XmCBorderColor Default: XtDefaultForeground Type: Pixel Access: CSG Class: XmCPixmap Default: XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP Type: Pixmap Access: CSG Class: XmCBorderWidth Default: 0 Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCColormap Default: dynamic Type: Colormap Access: CG Class: XmCDepth Default: dynamic Type: int Access: CG Class: XmCCallback Default: NULL Type: XtCallbackList Access: C Class: XmCHeight Default: dynamic Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Default: True Type: Boolean Access: C Class: XmCMapped- WhenManaged Default: True Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCScreen Default: dynamic Type: Screen * Access: CG Class: XmCSensitive Default: True Type: Boolean Access: CSG Class: XmCTranslations Default: dynamic Type: XtTranslations Access: CSG Class: XmCWidth Default: dynamic Type: Dimension Access: CSG Class: XmCPosition Default: 0 Type: Position Access: CSG Class: XmCPosition Default: 0 Type: Posi- tion Access: CSG Callback Information A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent * event; XmString value; int length; XmString mask; int mask_length; XmString dir; int dir_length; XmString pattern; int pattern_length; } XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct; Indicates why the callback was invoked Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback Specifies the current value of XmNdirSpec Specifies the number of bytes in value Specifies the current value of XmNdirMask Specifies the number of bytes in mask Specifies the current base directory Specifies the number of bytes in dir Specifies the current search pattern Specifies the number of bytes in pattern Translations XmFileSelectionBox inherits translations from XmSelectionBox. Accelerators The XmNtextAccelerators from XmSelectionBox are added to the selection and directory mask (filter) Text descendants of XmFileSelectionBox. Action Routines The XmFileSelectionBox action routines are described below: If neither the selection text nor the directory mask (filter) text has the focus, this action does nothing. If the selection text has the focus, the term list in the following description refers to the file list, and the term text refers to the selection text. If the directory mask text has the focus, list refers to the directory list, and text refers to the directory mask text. When called with a 0 argument, selects the previous item in the list and replaces the text with that item. When called with a 1 argument, selects the next item in the list and replaces the text with that item. When called with a 2 argument, selects the first item in the list and replaces the text with that item. When called with a 3 argument, selects the last item in the list and replaces the text with that item. If neither the selection text nor the directory mask (filter) text has the focus, this action does nothing. If the selection text has the focus, replaces the selection text with the selected item in the file list. If no item in the file list is selected, clears the selection text. If the directory mask text has the focus, replaces the directory mask text with a new directory mask constructed from the XmNdirec- tory and XmNpattern resources. Additional Behavior The FileSelectionBox widget has the additional behavior described below: Calls the activate callbacks for the cancel button if it is sensi- tive. If no cancel button exists and the parent of the FileSelectionBox is a manager, passes the event to the parent. Calls the selection text widget's XmNactivateCallback callbacks. If XmNmustMatch is True and the selection text does not match an item in the file list, calls the XmNnoMatchCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_NO_MATCH. Otherwise, calls the XmNokCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_OK. Calls the directory mask text widget's XmNactivateCallback callbacks. Initiates a directory and file search. Calls the XmNapplyCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_APPLY. Calls the directory list widget's XmNdefaultActionCallback callbacks. Initiates a directory and file search. Calls the XmNapplyCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_APPLY. Calls the file list widget's XmNdefaultActionCallback callbacks. Calls the XmNok- Callback callbacks with reason XmCR_OK. Generates a new directory mask, using the selected list item as the directory and the pattern extracted from the current directory mask text as the search pattern. If the search pattern is empty, uses a pattern that matches all files in the directory. Replaces the directory mask text with the new directory mask. Replaces the selection text with the selected list item. Drags the content of one or more selected list items using the drag and drop facility. If BDrag is pressed on an unselected item, drags only that item, excluding any other selected items. The XmNexportTargets resource of the associated DragContext is set to target types of COMPOUND_TEXT and FILE_NAME. The XmNclient- Data resource is set to the index of the item in the list. Drags the content of one or more selected list items using the drag and drop facility. If BDrag is pressed on an unselected item, drags only that item, excluding any other selected items. The XmNexportTargets resource of the associated DragContext is set to target types of COMPOUND_TEXT and FILE_NAME. The XmNclient- Data resource is set to the index of the item in the list. Initiates a directory and file search. Calls the XmNapplyCallback call- backs with reason XmCR_APPLY. If XmNmustMatch is True and the selection text does not match an item in the file list, calls the XmNnoMatchCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_NO_MATCH. Otherwise, calls the XmNokCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_OK. Calls the XmNcancelCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_CANCEL. Calls the XmNhelpCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_HELP. If no button, list widget, or text widget has the keyboard focus: If XmNmustMatch is True and the selection text does not match an item in the file list, calls the XmNnoMatchCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_NO_MATCH. Otherwise, calls the XmNokCallback callbacks with reason XmCR_OK. Virtual Bindings The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific. For information about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3X). SEE ALSO
Composite(3X), Constraint(3X), Core(3X), XmBulletinBoard(3X), XmCreateFileSelectionBox(3X), XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(3X), XmFileSelec- tionBoxGetChild(3X), XmFileSelectionDoSearch(3X), XmManager(3X), XmSelectionBox(3X) XmFileSelectionBox(3X)
Man Page