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S9(1)		       Scheme 9 from Empty Space		 S9(1)

s9 - Scheme Interpreter USAGE
s9 [-h?] [!name] [-gnqv] [-m size[m]] [-f prog [args]] [-l prog] [-t count] [-d image] [-- [args]] DESCRIPTION
Scheme 9 from Empty Space is an interpreter for R4RS Scheme with some additional procedures for accessing typical Unix system calls and Unix and Curses library functions (if compiled-in). The s9 command starts the interpreter. OPTIONS
-h or -? Display a brief summary of options. -d file Dump heap image to file and exit. -f program [arguments] Run program and exit (implies -q). When there are any arguments, they are passed to the program, where they can be extracted using the command-line procedure. -g Print GC summaries (-gg = more verbose). -n Do not load $HOME/.s9fes/rc file, if any. -l program Load program before entering the REPL or processing -f (may be repeated). -m N[m] Set memory limit to N kilo (or mega) nodes (-m 0 means no limit; use with care!). -q Be quiet: skip banners and prompts, exit on errors. -t count Display count procedures at most in call traces. -v Display version and exit. -- [argument ...] Arguments following -- are not interpreted by S9fES, but passed to the command-line procedure instead (requires the unix extension). When the first argument of s9 starts with an exclamation point, the remainder of that argument is used as the name of the interpreter (instead of the name that was used to invoke s9). This option allows one to load alternative heap image files. ONLINE HELP
When the interpreter is running and the default heap image is loaded, just type (help) or ,h to invoke the online help system. When the online help system is not loaded, you will have to run the following command first: S9 Interpreter Page 1 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) (load-from-library "help.scm") META COMMANDS
In order to facilitate the invocation of frequently-used top-level procedures, s9 provides the following "meta commands" (they work only when entered directly at the s9 prompt): ,a text = (apropos "text") ,h text = (help "text") ,l file = (load-from-library "file") ,q = (sys:exit) The arguments of ,a and ,h are optional. ADDITIONS
S9fES supports nestable block comments of the form #| comment ... |#. These S9fES procedures are not in R4RS: (bit-op integer1 integer2 integer3) ==> integer | #f Implement a variety of bitwise logic operations. See the bit-op help page for details. (delete-file string) ==> unspecific Delete the file specified in the string argument. If the file does not exist or cannot be deleted, report an error. (dump-image string) ==> unspecific Write a heap image to the file given in the string argument. If the file already exists, report an error. (error string) ==> undefined (error string object) ==> undefined Print an error message of the form error: string: object and terminate program execution. (exponent real) ==> integer Extract the exponent part from a real number. (file-exists? string) ==> boolean Return #t if the file specified in the string argument exists and otherwise #f. (fold-left proc base list ...) ==> object Combine the elements of the lists using proc. Combine elements left-associatively. Base is the leftmost element. (fold-right proc base list ...) ==> object Combine the elements of the lists using proc. Combine elements right-associatively. Base is the rightmost element. (gensym) ==> symbol S9 Interpreter Page 2 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) (gensym string) ==> symbol Return a fresh symbol. When a string argument is given, use it as prefix for the fresh symbol. (load-from-library string) ==> unspecific Attempt to load the file string from each directory of S9FES_LIBRARY_PATH. (locate-file string) ==> string | #f Search for the file string in each directory of S9FES_LIBRARY_PATH in sequence. When the file can be located, return its full path, else return #f. (macro-expand object) ==> object (macro-expand-1 object) ==> object If object is a list resembling a macro application, return the expanded form, else return the object. Macro-expand-1 expands macros only once while macro- expand expands them recursively. (mantissa real) ==> integer Extract the mantissa part from a real number. (print object ...) ==> unspecific Write multiple objects separated by spaces. (require-extension name ...) ==> unspecific Require the named extensions to be compiled-in. Signal an error if not all of the required extensions are present. (reverse! list) ==> list Reverse list destructively and return the reverse list. (set-input-port! input-port) ==> unspecific Destructively set the current input port. (set-output-port! output-port) ==> unspecific Destructively set the current output port. (stats form) ==> form Evaluate the given form and return a list containing its normal form plus the resources used to compute that normal form: - reduction steps - conses allocated - total nodes allocated - garbage collections Each resource count will be returned as a group of integers representing ones, thousands, millions, etc. Note that form must be quoted or it will be evaluated before passing it to stats. (symbols) ==> list Return a list of all defined symbols. S9 Interpreter Page 3 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) (syntax? object) ==> boolean Check whether object is a syntax object (i.e.: a macro). (trace symbol ...) ==> list | #t (trace #t) ==> list | #t Trace the procedure or syntax object bound to the given symbols. When #t is passed to trace, trace all procedures and syntax objects (expect lots of output!). When no arguments are passed to it, disable tracing. Trace returns the symbols that were being traced before its invocation. (void) ==> unspecific Return an unspecific value. Refer to the help pages for descriptions of the Scheme 9 extension procedures. SPECIAL VARIABLES
These variables are predefined in the dynamic top-level scope of the interpreter. ** (form) The normal form of the expression most recently evaluated at the top level. *extensions* (list of symbols) Compiled-in extensions. *library-path* (string) A verbatim copy of the S9FES_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (see below). *loading* (boolean) Set to #t when loading a file, else #f. MACROS
A macro is a procedure that is applied to its unevaluated arguments. The macro application is replaced with the value returned by the procedure. This happens before the expression containing the macro application is evaluated, so a macro rewrites its own application: (define-syntax (when p . c) `(if ,p (begin ,@c))) (macro-expand '(when (= 1 1) (display "true") (newline) #t)) ==> (if (= 1 1) (begin (display "true") (newline) #t)) (when (= 1 1) 1 2 3) ==> 3 The define-syntax form introduces a new macro: (define-syntax name procedure) ==> unspecific (define-syntax (name args ...) body) ==> unspecific Both of these forms introduce the keyword name and bind it to a procedure. The first form requires the second argument to be a procedure. Like in define forms the second variant implies a procedure definition. S9 Interpreter Page 4 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) Macros may contain applications of macros that were defined earlier. Macros may not recurse directly, but they may implement recursion internally using letrec or by rewriting their own applications. The following macro, for example, does not work, because d is undefined in the body of d: (define-syntax (d x) (and (pair? x) (d (cdr x)))) ; wrong The following version does work, though: (define-syntax (d x) (and (pair? x) `(d ,(cdr x)))) ; OK The body of define-syntax may be a syntax-rules transformer, as described in R4RS, if the syntax-rules extension has been loaded. TECHNICAL DETAILS
S9fES is a tree-walking interpreter using deep binding and hashed environments. It employs an extremely reliable[1] constant-space mark and sweep garbage collector with in-situ string and vector pool compaction. Memory pools grow on demand. The interpreter uses arbitrary-precision integer arithmetics and (optional) decimal-based real number arithmetics. INTERPRETER START-UP When the s9 interpreter is started, the following steps will be performed in this order: Load library. The interpreter searches its library path (either built- in or specified in the S9FES_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable) for a heap image file or the library source code. The heap image file is the name of the interpreter with a .image suffix appended. An alternative name can be specified with the !-option (see OPTIONS). The library source code is always named s9.scm. The first directory containing either a heap image or the library source code is used. When the directory contains both an image and the library sources, the image is loaded. Initialize extensions. Any extensions compiled into the interpreter are initialized by calling the nullary procedure ext:ext (where ext is the name of the extension). The procedures are optional. The first `extension' being initialized is S9 itself, so when a procedure named s9:s9 exists, it will be called at this point. Evaluate command line options. When a -l file option is found, the program contained in the given file will be loaded. When a -f file args option is found, the program contained in the file will be run and then S9 will exit. Args will be passed to the program. Load rc file. If an `rc file' ($HOME/.s9fes/rc) exists, it will be S9 Interpreter Page 5 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) loaded at this point as if its name was passed to the load procedure. (Unless the -n option was specified.) Enter REPL. Interactive mode is only entered if no -f options was specified. ALLOCATION STRATEGY
The S9fES memory pool grows exponentially until the memory limit its reached. When the limit is reached, the current computation is aborted. A memory limit can be specified using the -m command line option. The limit is specified in units of 1024 nodes (or in units of 1024*1024 nodes by appending an m suffix). Note that computations may abort before the limit is reached due to the way the pool grows. Use the -g command line option to experiment with pool sizes. Specifying a limit of zero disables the memory limit completely and the interpreter will allocate as much memory as it can get. This option should be used with care. LIMITATIONS
These parts of R4RS are not implemented: I/O: char-ready? (this is in the sys-unix extension). Transcripts: transcript-off, transcript-on. Rational and complex numbers and related procedures. BUGS
You may not quasiquote quasiquote unless in unquote (e.g.: ``x does not work, but `,`x does). Syntax-rules is not fully hygienic. Call/cc sometimes does not interact well with binding constructs. (Try not to bind more than a single call/cc in the same lambda.) FILES
$HOME/.s9fes/rc If present, this file is loaded when the interpreter starts in interactive mode. /usr/share/s9fes The S9fES procedure library (source code). /usr/lib/s9fes/contrib Contributions to the procedure library (source code). /usr/lib/s9fes/s9.image The interpreter heap image. *.scm Scheme source code. ENVIRONMENT
S9FES_LIBRARY_PATH A colon-separated list of directories which will be searched for the s9 library when the interpreter is launched. The same directories will be searched by the locate-file procedure. Default: .:~/.s9fes:/usr/lib/s9fes:/usr/share/s9fes S9 Interpreter Page 6 S9(1) S9(1) Scheme 9 from Empty Space S9(1) SIGNALS
These work only if POSIX signal handling was enabled at compile time. SIGINT Abort input or terminate program execution. SIGQUIT Terminate the interpreter process (emergency exit). FOOTNOTES
[1] See comp.lang.scheme Usenet message <> (Thu, 27 Aug 2009 13:27:42 -0400) and its follow-ups. REFERENCES
The Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. Scheme 9 from Empty Space -- A Guide to Implementing Scheme in C. AUTHOR
Nils M Holm < n m h at t 3 x . o r g > S9 Interpreter Page 7 S9(1)
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