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RABBITMQCTL(1)							 RabbitMQ Service						    RABBITMQCTL(1)

rabbitmqctl - command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker SYNOPSIS
rabbitmqctl [-n node] [-q] {command} [command options...] DESCRIPTION
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and scalable implementation of an AMQP broker. rabbitmqctl is a command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker. It performs all actions by connecting to one of the broker's nodes. Diagnostic information is displayed if the broker was not running, could not be reached, or rejected the connection due to mismatching Erlang cookies. OPTIONS
[-n node] Default node is "rabbit@server", where server is the local host. On a host named "", the node name of the RabbitMQ Erlang node will usually be rabbit@server (unless RABBITMQ_NODENAME has been set to some non-default value at broker startup time). The output of hostname -s is usually the correct suffix to use after the "@" sign. See rabbitmq-server(1) for details of configuring the RabbitMQ broker. [-q] Quiet output mode is selected with the "-q" flag. Informational messages are suppressed when quiet mode is in effect. COMMANDS
Application and Cluster Management stop [pid_file] Stops the Erlang node on which RabbitMQ is running. To restart the node follow the instructions for Running the Server in the installation guide[1]. If a pid_file is specified, also waits for the process specified there to terminate. See the description of the wait command below for details on this file. stop_app Stops the RabbitMQ application, leaving the Erlang node running. This command is typically run prior to performing other management actions that require the RabbitMQ application to be stopped, e.g. reset. start_app Starts the RabbitMQ application. This command is typically run after performing other management actions that required the RabbitMQ application to be stopped, e.g. reset. wait {pid_file} Wait for the RabbitMQ application to start. This command will wait for the RabbitMQ application to start at the node. It will wait for the pid file to be created, then for a process with a pid specified in the pid file to start, and then for the RabbitMQ application to start in that process. It will fail if the process terminates without starting the RabbitMQ application. A suitable pid file is created by the rabbitmq-server script. By default this is located in the Mnesia directory. Modify the RABBITMQ_PID_FILE environment variable to change the location. reset Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state. Removes the node from any cluster it belongs to, removes all data from the management database, such as configured users and vhosts, and deletes all persistent messages. For reset and force_reset to succeed the RabbitMQ application must have been stopped, e.g. with stop_app. force_reset Forcefully return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state. The force_reset command differs from reset in that it resets the node unconditionally, regardless of the current management database state and cluster configuration. It should only be used as a last resort if the database or cluster configuration has been corrupted. For reset and force_reset to succeed the RabbitMQ application must have been stopped, e.g. with stop_app. rotate_logs {suffix} Instruct the RabbitMQ node to rotate the log files. The RabbitMQ broker appends the contents of its log files to files with names composed of the original name and the suffix, and then resumes logging to freshly created files at the original location. I.e. effectively the current log contents are moved to the end of the suffixed files. When the target files do not exist they are created. When no suffix is specified, the empty log files are simply created at the original location; no rotation takes place. Cluster management cluster {clusternode ...} clusternode Subset of the nodes of the cluster to which this node should be connected. Instruct the node to become member of a cluster with the specified nodes. To cluster with currently offline nodes, use force_cluster. Cluster nodes can be of two types: disk or ram. Disk nodes replicate data in ram and on disk, thus providing redundancy in the event of node failure and recovery from global events such as power failure across all nodes. Ram nodes replicate data in ram only and are mainly used for scalability. A cluster must always have at least one disk node. If the current node is to become a disk node it needs to appear in the cluster node list. Otherwise it becomes a ram node. If the node list is empty or only contains the current node then the node becomes a standalone, i.e. non-clustered, (disk) node. After executing the cluster command, whenever the RabbitMQ application is started on the current node it will attempt to connect to the specified nodes, thus becoming an active node in the cluster comprising those nodes (and possibly others). The list of nodes does not have to contain all the cluster's nodes; a subset is sufficient. Also, clustering generally succeeds as long as at least one of the specified nodes is active. Hence adjustments to the list are only necessary if the cluster configuration is to be altered radically. For this command to succeed the RabbitMQ application must have been stopped, e.g. with stop_app. Furthermore, turning a standalone node into a clustered node requires the node be reset first, in order to avoid accidental destruction of data with the cluster command. For more details see the clustering guide[2]. force_cluster {clusternode ...} clusternode Subset of the nodes of the cluster to which this node should be connected. Instruct the node to become member of a cluster with the specified nodes. This will succeed even if the specified nodes are offline. For a more detailed description, see cluster. Note that this variant of the cluster command just ignores the current status of the specified nodes. Clustering may still fail for a variety of other reasons. cluster_status Displays all the nodes in the cluster grouped by node type, together with the currently running nodes. User management Note that rabbitmqctl manages the RabbitMQ internal user database. Users from any alternative authentication backend will not be visible to rabbitmqctl. add_user {username} {password} username The name of the user to create. password The password the created user will use to log in to the broker. delete_user {username} username The name of the user to delete. change_password {username} {newpassword} username The name of the user whose password is to be changed. newpassword The new password for the user. clear_password {username} username The name of the user whose password is to be cleared. set_user_tags {username} {tag ...} username The name of the user whose tags are to be set. tag Zero, one or more tags to set. Any existing tags will be removed. list_users Lists users. Each result row will contain the user name followed by a list of the tags set for that user. Access control Note that rabbitmqctl manages the RabbitMQ internal user database. Permissions for users from any alternative authorisation backend will not be visible to rabbitmqctl. add_vhost {vhostpath} vhostpath The name of the virtual host entry to create. Creates a virtual host. delete_vhost {vhostpath} vhostpath The name of the virtual host entry to delete. Deletes a virtual host. Deleting a virtual host deletes all its exchanges, queues, user mappings and associated permissions. list_vhosts [vhostinfoitem ...] Lists virtual hosts. The vhostinfoitem parameter is used to indicate which virtual host information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. vhostinfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: name The name of the virtual host with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. tracing Whether tracing is enabled for this virtual host. If no vhostinfoitems are specified then the vhost name is displayed. set_permissions [-p vhostpath] {user} {conf} {write} {read} vhostpath The name of the virtual host to which to grant the user access, defaulting to /. user The name of the user to grant access to the specified virtual host. conf A regular expression matching resource names for which the user is granted configure permissions. write A regular expression matching resource names for which the user is granted write permissions. read A regular expression matching resource names for which the user is granted read permissions. Sets user permissions. clear_permissions [-p vhostpath] {username} vhostpath The name of the virtual host to which to deny the user access, defaulting to /. username The name of the user to deny access to the specified virtual host. Sets user permissions. list_permissions [-p vhostpath] vhostpath The name of the virtual host for which to list the users that have been granted access to it, and their permissions. Defaults to /. Lists permissions in a virtual host. list_user_permissions [-p vhostpath] {username} username The name of the user for which to list the permissions. Lists user permissions. Server Status The server status queries interrogate the server and return a list of results with tab-delimited columns. Some queries (list_queues, list_exchanges, list_bindings, and list_consumers) accept an optional vhost parameter. This parameter, if present, must be specified immediately after the query. The list_queues, list_exchanges and list_bindings commands accept an optional virtual host parameter for which to display results. The default value is "/". list_queues [-p vhostpath] [queueinfoitem ...] Returns queue details. Queue details of the / virtual host are returned if the "-p" flag is absent. The "-p" flag can be used to override this default. The queueinfoitem parameter is used to indicate which queue information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. queueinfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: name The name of the queue with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. durable Whether or not the queue survives server restarts. auto_delete Whether the queue will be deleted automatically when no longer used. arguments Queue arguments. pid Id of the Erlang process associated with the queue. owner_pid Id of the Erlang process representing the connection which is the exclusive owner of the queue. Empty if the queue is non-exclusive. exclusive_consumer_pid Id of the Erlang process representing the channel of the exclusive consumer subscribed to this queue. Empty if there is no exclusive consumer. exclusive_consumer_tag Consumer tag of the exclusive consumer subscribed to this queue. Empty if there is no exclusive consumer. messages_ready Number of messages ready to be delivered to clients. messages_unacknowledged Number of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged. messages Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages (queue depth). consumers Number of consumers. memory Bytes of memory consumed by the Erlang process associated with the queue, including stack, heap and internal structures. slave_pids If the queue is mirrored, this gives the IDs of the current slaves. synchronised_slave_pids If the queue is mirrored, this gives the IDs of the current slaves which are synchronised with the master - i.e. those which could take over from the master without message loss. If no queueinfoitems are specified then queue name and depth are displayed. list_exchanges [-p vhostpath] [exchangeinfoitem ...] Returns exchange details. Exchange details of the / virtual host are returned if the "-p" flag is absent. The "-p" flag can be used to override this default. The exchangeinfoitem parameter is used to indicate which exchange information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. exchangeinfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: name The name of the exchange with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. type The exchange type (one of [direct, topic, headers, fanout]). durable Whether or not the exchange survives server restarts. auto_delete Whether the exchange will be deleted automatically when no longer used. internal Whether the exchange is internal, i.e. cannot be directly published to by a client. arguments Exchange arguments. If no exchangeinfoitems are specified then exchange name and type are displayed. list_bindings [-p vhostpath] [bindinginfoitem ...] Returns binding details. By default the bindings for the / virtual host are returned. The "-p" flag can be used to override this default. The bindinginfoitem parameter is used to indicate which binding information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. bindinginfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: source_name The name of the source of messages to which the binding is attached. With non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. source_kind The kind of the source of messages to which the binding is attached. Currently always exchange. With non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. destination_name The name of the destination of messages to which the binding is attached. With non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. destination_kind The kind of the destination of messages to which the binding is attached. With non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. routing_key The binding's routing key, with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. arguments The binding's arguments. If no bindinginfoitems are specified then all above items are displayed. list_connections [connectioninfoitem ...] Returns TCP/IP connection statistics. The connectioninfoitem parameter is used to indicate which connection information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. connectioninfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: pid Id of the Erlang process associated with the connection. name Readable name for the connection. address Server IP address. port Server port. peer_address Peer address. peer_port Peer port. ssl Boolean indicating whether the connection is secured with SSL. ssl_protocol SSL protocol (e.g. tlsv1) ssl_key_exchange SSL key exchange algorithm (e.g. rsa) ssl_cipher SSL cipher algorithm (e.g. aes_256_cbc) ssl_hash SSL hash function (e.g. sha) peer_cert_subject The subject of the peer's SSL certificate, in RFC4514 form. peer_cert_issuer The issuer of the peer's SSL certificate, in RFC4514 form. peer_cert_validity The period for which the peer's SSL certificate is valid. last_blocked_by The reason for which this connection was last blocked. One of 'resource' - due to a memory or disk alarm, 'flow' - due to internal flow control, or 'none' if the connection was never blocked. last_blocked_age Time, in seconds, since this connection was last blocked, or 'infinity'. state Connection state (one of [starting, tuning, opening, running, blocking, blocked, closing, closed]). channels Number of channels using the connection. protocol Version of the AMQP protocol in use (currently one of {0,9,1} or {0,8,0}). Note that if a client requests an AMQP 0-9 connection, we treat it as AMQP 0-9-1. auth_mechanism SASL authentication mechanism used, such as PLAIN. user Username associated with the connection. vhost Virtual host name with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. timeout Connection timeout. frame_max Maximum frame size (bytes). client_properties Informational properties transmitted by the client during connection establishment. recv_oct Octets received. recv_cnt Packets received. send_oct Octets send. send_cnt Packets sent. send_pend Send queue size. If no connectioninfoitems are specified then user, peer address, peer port, time since flow control and memory block state are displayed. list_channels [channelinfoitem ...] Returns information on all current channels, the logical containers executing most AMQP commands. This includes channels that are part of ordinary AMQP connections, and channels created by various plug-ins and other extensions. The channelinfoitem parameter is used to indicate which channel information items to include in the results. The column order in the results will match the order of the parameters. channelinfoitem can take any value from the list that follows: pid Id of the Erlang process associated with the connection. connection Id of the Erlang process associated with the connection to which the channel belongs. name Readable name for the channel. number The number of the channel, which uniquely identifies it within a connection. user Username associated with the channel. vhost Virtual host in which the channel operates. transactional True if the channel is in transactional mode, false otherwise. confirm True if the channel is in confirm mode, false otherwise. consumer_count Number of logical AMQP consumers retrieving messages via the channel. messages_unacknowledged Number of messages delivered via this channel but not yet acknowledged. messages_uncommitted Number of messages received in an as yet uncommitted transaction. acks_uncommitted Number of acknowledgements received in an as yet uncommitted transaction. messages_unconfirmed Number of published messages not yet confirmed. On channels not in confirm mode, this remains 0. prefetch_count QoS prefetch count limit in force, 0 if unlimited. client_flow_blocked True if the client issued a channel.flow{active=false} command, blocking the server from delivering messages to the channel's consumers. If no channelinfoitems are specified then pid, user, consumer_count, and messages_unacknowledged are assumed. list_consumers [-p vhostpath] List consumers, i.e. subscriptions to a queue's message stream. Each line printed shows, separated by tab characters, the name of the queue subscribed to, the id of the channel process via which the subscription was created and is managed, the consumer tag which uniquely identifies the subscription within a channel, and a boolean indicating whether acknowledgements are expected for messages delivered to this consumer. The output is a list of rows containing, in order, the queue name, channel process id, consumer tag, and a boolean indicating whether acknowledgements are expected from the consumer. status Displays broker status information such as the running applications on the current Erlang node, RabbitMQ and Erlang versions, OS name, memory and file descriptor statistics. (See the cluster_status command to find out which nodes are clustered and running.) environment Display the name and value of each variable in the application environment. report Generate a server status report containing a concatenation of all server status information for support purposes. The output should be redirected to a file when accompanying a support request. eval {expr} Evaluate an arbitrary Erlang expression. Miscellaneous close_connection {connectionpid} {explanation} connectionpid Id of the Erlang process associated with the connection to close. explanation Explanation string. Instruct the broker to close the connection associated with the Erlang process id connectionpid (see also the list_connections command), passing the explanation string to the connected client as part of the AMQP connection shutdown protocol. trace_on [-p vhost] vhost The name of the virtual host for which to start tracing. Starts tracing. trace_off [-p vhost] vhost The name of the virtual host for which to stop tracing. Stops tracing. set_vm_memory_high_watermark {fraction} fraction The new memory threshold fraction at which flow control is triggered, as a floating point number greater than or equal to 0. EXAMPLES
rabbitmqctl stop This command instructs the RabbitMQ node to terminate. rabbitmqctl stop_app This command instructs the RabbitMQ node to stop the RabbitMQ application. rabbitmqctl start_app This command instructs the RabbitMQ node to start the RabbitMQ application. rabbitmqctl wait /var/run/rabbitmq/pid This command will return when the RabbitMQ node has started up. rabbitmqctl reset This command resets the RabbitMQ node. rabbitmqctl force_reset This command resets the RabbitMQ node. rabbitmqctl rotate_logs .1 This command instructs the RabbitMQ node to append the contents of the log files to files with names consisting of the original logs' names and ".1" suffix, e.g. rabbit@mymachine.log.1 and rabbit@mymachine-sasl.log.1. Finally, logging resumes to fresh files at the old locations. rabbitmqctl cluster rabbit@tanto hare@elena This command instructs the RabbitMQ node to join the cluster with nodes rabbit@tanto and hare@elena. If the node is one of these then it becomes a disk node, otherwise a ram node. rabbitmqctl cluster_status This command displays the nodes in the cluster. rabbitmqctl add_user tonyg changeit This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to create a (non-administrative) user named tonyg with (initial) password changeit. rabbitmqctl delete_user tonyg This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to delete the user named tonyg. rabbitmqctl change_password tonyg newpass This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to change the password for the user named tonyg to newpass. rabbitmqctl clear_password tonyg This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to clear the password for the user named tonyg. This user now cannot log in with a password (but may be able to through e.g. SASL EXTERNAL if configured). rabbitmqctl set_user_tags tonyg administrator This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to ensure the user named tonyg is an administrator. This has no effect when the user logs in via AMQP, but can be used to permit the user to manage users, virtual hosts and permissions when the user logs in via some other means (for example with the management plugin). rabbitmqctl set_user_tags tonyg This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to remove any tags from the user named tonyg. rabbitmqctl list_users This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to list all users. rabbitmqctl add_vhost test This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to create a new virtual host called test. rabbitmqctl delete_vhost test This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to delete the virtual host called test. rabbitmqctl list_vhosts name tracing This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to list all virtual hosts. rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /myvhost tonyg "^tonyg-.*" ".*" ".*" This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to grant the user named tonyg access to the virtual host called /myvhost, with configure permissions on all resources whose names starts with "tonyg-", and write and read permissions on all resources. rabbitmqctl clear_permissions -p /myvhost tonyg This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to deny the user named tonyg access to the virtual host called /myvhost. rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /myvhost This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to list all the users which have been granted access to the virtual host called /myvhost, and the permissions they have for operations on resources in that virtual host. Note that an empty string means no permissions granted. rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions tonyg This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to list all the virtual hosts to which the user named tonyg has been granted access, and the permissions the user has for operations on resources in these virtual hosts. rabbitmqctl list_queues -p /myvhost messages consumers This command displays the depth and number of consumers for each queue of the virtual host named /myvhost. rabbitmqctl list_exchanges -p /myvhost name type This command displays the name and type for each exchange of the virtual host named /myvhost. rabbitmqctl list_bindings -p /myvhost exchange_name queue_name This command displays the exchange name and queue name of the bindings in the virtual host named /myvhost. rabbitmqctl list_connections send_pend port This command displays the send queue size and server port for each connection. rabbitmqctl list_channels connection messages_unacknowledged This command displays the connection process and count of unacknowledged messages for each channel. rabbitmqctl status This command displays information about the RabbitMQ broker. rabbitmqctl report > server_report.txt This command creates a server report which may be attached to a support request email. rabbitmqctl eval 'node().' This command returns the name of the node to which rabbitmqctl has connected. rabbitmqctl close_connection "<rabbit@tanto.4262.0>" "go away" This command instructs the RabbitMQ broker to close the connection associated with the Erlang process id <rabbit@tanto.4262.0>, passing the explanation go away to the connected client. AUTHOR
The RabbitMQ Team <> NOTES
1. installation guide 2. clustering guide RabbitMQ Server 06/22/2012 RABBITMQCTL(1)
Man Page