Error Check

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# 1  
Old 08-25-2011
Error Check


I am wirting a script to check the informatica services are running.

I am executing a CONFIG FILE before starting the check..
This config file will be having all the ENV Variables..that will be used in the script.

I wanted to first check if the Config file has be executed.
If its not executed i wnated to EXIT from the script.

Below are the lines i am using....

. /apps/informatica/node1/scripts/SIT-DEV_inf_env_param.cfg
echo "Status of Previous Command :" $?
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
  echo "Unable to call the Config File"

The above lines of codes are not working as expected.

Please suggest

Last edited by Scott; 08-27-2011 at 07:18 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 2  
Old 08-25-2011
Any command you run changes the value of $?, echo included.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-25-2011
The value stored in $? at the time of the if-statement's test is the exit status of the echo statement. You need to store $? in another variable, so that you can print it and then test it.

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 4  
Old 08-25-2011
Thanks Alister,

I have changed to code to include the status in a variable. It worked

echo "Status of Previous Command :" $Var
if [ $Var -ge 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to call the Config File"
exit 1;

Last edited by Scott; 08-27-2011 at 07:19 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 5  
Old 08-25-2011
I think you forgot the . which will change the meaning of your program radically -- running the config file, instead of loading it.

You could also rewrite it more simply by putting the entire statement inside the if instead of saving its return value for later:

if ! . apps/informatica/node1/scripts/SIT-DEV_inf_env_param.cfg
        echo "Unable to call the Config File"
        exit 1;

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