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dpm-updatespace(1) [debian man page]

DPM-UPDATESPACE(1)						   DPM Commands 						DPM-UPDATESPACE(1)

dpm-updatespace - update space SYNOPSIS
dpm-updatespace --space_token s_token [ --gid group_ids ] [ --group group_names ] [ --gspace size_guaranteed_space ] [ --help ] [ --life- time space_lifetime ] [ --si ] dpm-updatespace --token_desc u_token [ --gid group_ids ] [ --group group_names ] [ --gspace size_guaranteed_space ] [ --help ] [ --lifetime space_lifetime ] [ --si ] DESCRIPTION
dpm-updatespace updates space. OPTIONS
s_token specifies the token returned by a previous reservespace request. u_token specifies the user provided description associated with the reservespace request. group_ids The existing list can be reset using a comma separated list of group gids, extended by prefixing the gid by + or reduced by prefix- ing the gid by -. See examples. group_names The existing list can be reset using a comma separated list of group names, extended by prefixing the name by + or reduced by pre- fixing the name by -. size_guaranteed_space new size of guaranteed space desired in bytes. The number may also have a suffix k, M, G, T or P to indicate kB, MB, GB, TB or PB respectively. space_lifetime specifies the new space lifetime relative to the current time. It can be "Inf" (for infinite) or expressed in years (suffix 'y'), months (suffix 'm'), days (suffix 'd'), hours (suffix 'h') or seconds (no suffix). --si use powers of 1000 not 1024 for sizes. EXAMPLE
dpm-updatespace --space_token fe869590-b771-4002-b11a-8e7430d72911 --lifetime 1m dpm-updatespace --token_desc myspace --gspace 5G dpm-updatespace --token_desc atlgrpspace --group -atlas/higgs EXIT STATUS
This program returns 0 if the operation was successful or >0 if the operation failed. SEE ALSO
dpm_updatespace(3) LCG
$Date: 2011-04-04 08:49:00 +0200 (Mon, 04 Apr 2011) $ DPM-UPDATESPACE(1)

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dpm_python(3)							 Python Reference						     dpm_python(3)

dpm - Python interface to the DPM SYNOPSIS
import dpm DESCRIPTION
The dpm module permits you to access the DPM client interface from python programs. The dpm module is a swig wrapping of the standard C interface. For detailed descriptions of each function see the individual man page of each function. There follows a series of examples of how to use selected functions and how to retrieve the information returned by them: Examples are listing the replicas of a given entry, reading the content of a directory, getting and setting ACLs. etc. EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python """ # Using the dpns_readdirxr method """ import sys import dpm name = "/dpm/"; dir = dpm.dpns_opendirg(name,"") if (dir == None) or (dir == 0): err_num = dpm.cvar.serrno err_string = dpm.sstrerror(err_num) print "Error while looking for " + name + ": Error " + str(err_num) + " (" + err_string + ")" sys.exit(1) while 1: read_pt = dpm.dpns_readdirxr(dir,"") if (read_pt == None) or (read_pt == 0): break entry, list = read_pt print entry.d_name try: for i in range(len(list)): print " ==> %s" % list[i].sfn except TypeError, x: print " ==> None" dpm.dpns_closedir(dir) EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getlinks method """ result, list = dpm.dpns_getlinks("/dpm/", "") print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print i.path EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getreplica method """ result, list = dpm.dpns_getreplica("/dpm/", "", "") print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print print i.sfn EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getacl and dpns_setacl methods to add a user ACL """ nentries, acls_list = dpm.dpns_getacl("/dpm/", dpm.CA_MAXACLENTRIES) print nentries print len(acls_list) for i in acls_list: print i.a_type print i.a_id print i.a_perm # When adding a first ACL for a given user, you also need to add the mask # When adding the second user ACL, it is not necessary anymore acl_user = dpm.dpns_acl() acl_mask = dpm.dpns_acl() acl_user.a_type=2 # 2 corresponds to CNS_ACL_USER acl_user.a_id=18701 # user id acl_user.a_perm=5 acl_mask.a_type=5 # 5 corresponds to CNS_ACL_MASK acl_mask.a_id=0 # no user id specified acl_mask.a_perm=5 acls_list.append(acl_user) acls_list.append(acl_mask) res = dpm.dpns_setacl("/dpm/", acls_list) if res == 0: print "OK" else: err_num = dpm.cvar.serrno err_string = dpm.sstrerror(err_num) print "There was an error : Error " + str(err_num) + " (" + err_string + ")" sys.exit(1) EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getacl and dpns_setacl methods to remove a user ACL """ nentries, acls_list = dpm.dpns_getacl("/dpm/", dpm.CA_MAXACLENTRIES) # Note : you cannot remove the owner ACL (i.e. for CNS_ACL_USER_OBJ type) if # ====== ACLs for other users exist. If all the other user ACLs are deleted, # ====== the owner ACL is automatically removed. for i in acls_list: print i.a_type print i.a_id print i.a_perm del acls_list[1] # delete a given user ACL from the list of ACLs res = dpm.dpns_setacl("/dpm/", acls_list) if res == 0: print "OK" else: err_num = dpm.cvar.serrno err_string = dpm.sstrerror(err_num) print "There was an error : Error " + str(err_num) + " (" + err_string + ")" sys.exit(1) EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getusrmap method """ result, list = dpm.dpns_getusrmap() print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print i.userid + " " + i.username EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpns_getgrpmap method """ result, list = dpm.dpns_getgrpmap() print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print i.gid + " " + i.groupname EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_addfs method """ result = dpm.dpm_addfs("mypool", "", "/mountpoint", dpm.FS_READONLY) print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_modifyfs method """ result = dpm.dpm_modifyfs("", "/mountpoint", dpm.FS_READONLY) print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_rmfs method """ result = dpm.dpm_rmfs("mypool", "", "/mountpoint") print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_addpool method """ dpmpool = dpm.dpm_pool() dpmpool.poolname = "mypool" dpmpool.defsize = 209715200 dpmpool.def_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.defpintime = 604800 dpmpool.max_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.max_pintime = 604800 dpmpool.nbgids = 1 dpmpool.gids = [0] dpmpool.ret_policy = 'R' dpmpool.s_type = 'D' result = dpm.dpm_addpool(dpmpool) print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_modifypool method """ dpmpool = dpm.dpm_pool() dpmpool.poolname = "mypool" dpmpool.defsize = 209715200 dpmpool.def_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.defpintime = 604800 dpmpool.max_lifetime = 604800 dpmpool.max_pintime = 604800 dpmpool.nbgids = 1 dpmpool.gids = [0] dpmpool.ret_policy = 'R' dpmpool.s_type = 'D' result = dpm.dpm_modifypool(dpmpool) print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_rmpool method """ result = dpm.dpm_rmpool("mypool") print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_getpoolfs method """ result,list = dpm.dpm_getpoolfs("mypool") print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print "POOL " + i.poolname + " SERVER " + i.server + " FS " + i.fs + " CAPACITY " + i.capacity + " FREE " + EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_getpools method """ result,list = dpm.dpm_getpools() print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print "POOL " + i.poolname + " CAPACITY " + i.capacity + " FREE " + EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_getprotocols method """ result,list = dpm.dpm_getprotocols() print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print i EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_getspacemd method """ result, list = dpm.dpm_getspacemd(["myspacetoken"]) print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print "TYPE " + i.s_type + " SPACETOKEN " i.s_token + " USERTOKEN " + i.u_token + " TOTAL " + i.t_space + " GUARANTUEED " + i.g_space + " UNUSED " + i.u_space + " POOL " + i.poolname EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_getspacetoken method """ result, list = dpm.dpm_getspacetoken("myspacetokendesc") print result print len(list) if (result == 0): for i in list: print i EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_reservespace method """ result,actual_s_type,actual_t_space,actual_g_space,actual_lifetime,s_token = dpm.dpm_reservespace('D', "myspacetokendesc", 'R', 'O', 209715200, 209715200, 2592000, 0, "mypoolname") print result if (result == 0): print "TYPE " + actual_s_type + " TOTAL " + actual_t_space + " GUARANTEED " + actual_g_space + " LIFETIME " + actual_lifetime + " TOKEN " + s_token EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_updatespace method """ result,actual_t_space,actual_g_space,actual_lifetime = dpm.dpm_updatespace("myspacetoken", 209715200, 209715200, 2592000) print result if (result == 0): print " TOTAL " + actual_t_space + " GUARANTEED " + actual_g_space + " LIFETIME " + actual_lifetime EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_releasespace method """ result = dpm.dpm_releasespace("myspacetoken", 0) print result EXAMPLE
#!/usr/bin/python import dpm """ # Using the dpm_ping method """ result,info = dpm.dpm_ping("") print result if (result == 0): print info KNOWN BUGS
The current interface to the dpns_getcwd(3), dpns_readlink(3), dpns_seterrbuf(3) requires the passing of str object which is modified to contain the result (in a similar way to the C functions, which accept a buffer). However this breaks the immutability of python str. This will be changed in the future. SEE ALSO
DPM C interface man pages DPM
$Date: 2010-02-04 13:08:39 +0100 (Thu, 04 Feb 2010) $ dpm_python(3)
Man Page