help on snare to disable a port

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Operating Systems Linux help on snare to disable a port
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Old 06-16-2011
Question help on snare to disable a port

the plan is to disable the remote web interface in the SNARE config file ,i want to disable port 6161 from snare.conf and if port 6161 is not in use then some other port (80/81) gets enabled by default ? help me to find whether there are any vulnerabilities with this and also try to figure out how can we test disabling of port 6161.
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XvSelectPortNotify(3)						  libXv Functions					     XvSelectPortNotify(3)

XvSelectPortNotify - enable or disable XvPortNotify events SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h> int XvSelectPortNotify(Display *dpy, XvPortID port, Bool onoff); ARGUMENTS
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server. port Specifies the port for which PortNotify events are to be generated when its attributes are changed using XvSetPortAttribute(3) onoff Specifies whether notification is to be enabled or disabled. DESCRIPTION
XvSelectPortNotify(3) enables or disables PortNotify event delivery to the requesting client. XvPortNotify(3) events are generated when port attributes are changed using XvSetPortAttribute(3). RETURN VALUES
[Success] Returned if XvSelectPortNotify(3) completed successfully. [XvBadExtension] Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable. [XvBadAlloc] Returned if XvSelectPortNotify(3) failed to allocate memory to process the request. DIAGNOSTICS
[XvBadPort] Generated if the requested port does not exist. SEE ALSO
XvSetPortNotify(3), XvSetPortAttribute(3), XvPortNotify(3) X Version 11 libXv 1.0.7 XvSelectPortNotify(3)