Install Linux on remote server from Windows PC

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Operating Systems Linux Install Linux on remote server from Windows PC
# 1  
Old 08-13-2009
Install Linux on remote server from Windows PC

I am very new with servers and have never used Linux. The server I'm looking at is not currently connected to anything, and I wish to install Linux on this server. It doesn't have a monitor (no video card) or keyboard. It does have a DVD. Can I communicate with that server using a Windows PC to start the process of installing Linux?

Or is there another method for communicating with the server to get the OS installed? Sorry for the extremely simple questions. Id appreciate help if someone doesn't mind going down to basics with me.Smilie

Thank you ahead of time.
# 2  
Old 08-13-2009
If that server has some kind of built-in remote management capability (like HP's Integrated Lights Out or Dell's Remote Access Controller): yes, it's possible.

Otherwise, most distributions support setup via SSH. You'll have to attach at least a monitor and keyboard for a short while, and as soon as SSH access is possible you can continue the setup over the network.
# 3  
Old 08-13-2009
Originally Posted by pludi
If that server has some kind of built-in remote management capability (like HP's Integrated Lights Out or Dell's Remote Access Controller): yes, it's possible.

Otherwise, most distributions support setup via SSH. You'll have to attach at least a monitor and keyboard for a short while, and as soon as SSH access is possible you can continue the setup over the network.
Thank you, I'll try that. So I need to add a video card first, right? This was a custom built server, so there is nothing on the drive yet.
# 4  
Old 08-13-2009
The drive is not the relevant part. The concept pludi discussed was about an integrated lights out controller, that is built onto the machine that allows direct remote administration similar to HP's ILO or Dell's DRAC.
# 5  
Old 08-13-2009
To my knowledge, when a server is build an ip address should be assigned to it by default. You can get the default ip address from the vendor (Or it should be specified along with the default host name printed on a tag tied on the front or stuck on the top part of the balde).

You can use this ipaddress / host name to connect through SSH. Once you are able to connect to the system, you can change the default hostname and ipaddress.
# 6  
Old 08-14-2009
A bare system will have no IP address. If you are talking about the management port, that will often have a default IP address or in some cases, require a serial connection to get working.

In order to build a machine remotely, normally one configures a TFTP server for PXE, a DHCP server to handle the bootp and IP address hand out and an NFS or HTTP(S) type transfer agent to allow the files to be transmitted.
# 7  
Old 08-18-2009
Originally Posted by harisudharsan
To my knowledge, when a server is build an ip address should be assigned to it by default. You can get the default ip address from the vendor (Or it should be specified along with the default host name printed on a tag tied on the front or stuck on the top part of the balde).

You can use this ipaddress / host name to connect through SSH. Once you are able to connect to the system, you can change the default hostname and ipaddress.
What I was going to do is order a static IP from my service provider, and then name the server. I hope that is the right way to think about this process. This is a custom built machine, so there isn't a vendor, perse. I don't know what a "balde" is, please do tell.

The modem itself should have an assigned IP right? Would I use the same IP reference for the server? This all is looking more compicated than I thought it would be, but I'm ready to master this little piece of the puzzle anyway, with some help. Thanx so much.

---------- Post updated at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:25 AM ----------

Originally Posted by mark54g
A bare system will have no IP address. If you are talking about the management port, that will often have a default IP address or in some cases, require a serial connection to get working.

In order to build a machine remotely, normally one configures a TFTP server for PXE, a DHCP server to handle the bootp and IP address hand out and an NFS or HTTP(S) type transfer agent to allow the files to be transmitted.
So it would be smart to put this on a local network first to get it up and going, and then think about connecting it with it's own static IP? I'm going to have to look up all those acronyms and get back on that, because I don't know what they mean. I'll be back. Smilie
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