[SOLVED] AFWall+ iptables help

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Special Forums IP Networking [SOLVED] AFWall+ iptables help
# 29  
Old 02-28-2014
Originally Posted by 3happypenguins
And it gave me the date and time. It was giving me GMT. So all I had to do for the iptables rules was add 4 hours (I'm Atlantic Time in Canada).
Linux/UNIX are often like that, keep the clock at standard time, and let the user tell you the time zone. I guess the Android interface doesn't bother with even that, and just computes the offset itself from GMT.

So it really does require --weekdays when given hourly time? Interesting, good to know.
# 30  
Old 02-28-2014
Originally Posted by Corona688
Linux/UNIX are often like that, keep the clock at standard time, and let the user tell you the time zone.

So it really does require --weekdays when given hourly time? Interesting, good to know.
Actually, that's really good in my case. That means that if my friend's son changes the time or time zone, it won't matter because the iptable rule is always going by GMT. Smilie

And yes, it really does require --weekdays. I tried just --days and I got an error and the rule wouldn't apply. As soon as I changed it to --weekdays, it applied totally fine.
# 31  
Old 02-28-2014
Originally Posted by 3happypenguins
And yes, it really does require --weekdays. I tried just --days and I got an error and the rule wouldn't apply. As soon as I changed it to --weekdays, it applied totally fine.
No, I mean, does it need --weekdays at all? What happens when you leave it off completely? I had thought you could just give to/from times without giving days at all.

It's still possible that he could lie to the clock. But on a smartphone type device where the clock keeps updating itself that's a pain.
# 32  
Old 02-28-2014
Originally Posted by Corona688
No, I mean, does it need --weekdays at all? What happens when you leave it off completely? I had thought you could just give to/from times without giving days at all.

It's still possible that he could lie to the clock. But on a smartphone type device where the clock keeps updating itself that's a pain.
Sorry, I misunderstood. I actually tried that first (did not put --days or --weekdays or anything; just the time). I got an error and the rule wouldn't apply.

How would he "lie" to the clock. Because no matter what I set my clock at in the Settings, in the terminal emulator it always shows GMT.
# 33  
Old 02-28-2014
Originally Posted by 3happypenguins
How would he "lie" to the clock. Because no matter what I set my clock at in the Settings, in the terminal emulator it always shows GMT.
You'd know better than I, then.
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