Can anyone help? I have to Write a program in C that recognizes the following commands and translate

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Homework and Emergencies Homework & Coursework Questions Can anyone help? I have to Write a program in C that recognizes the following commands and translate
# 1  
Old 10-14-2009
Can anyone help? I have to Write a program in C that recognizes the following commands and translate

I have to
Write a program in C that recognizes the following commands and translates them into much simpler ones
Commands to recognize shorter command

cd dir
C - dir_length - dir
get file_name
G - file_name_length - file_name

Long commands are read from the standard input and short commands are written to the standard output. To do it, follow these rules:
1) Recognize the command
2) If the command has a parameter, create a function that reads this parameter character by character and return a dynamic list with all the characters and the number of characters.
(REMEMBER: the size of the command has no limitation in size!!!!)

i have done the same script with if...else(everything was ok)

i am bit confused....i can't understand the dynamic list...

whatever, thank you everybody..
# 2  
Old 10-14-2009
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