What is the right way to mount and umount a usb driver?

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Operating Systems Linux Fedora What is the right way to mount and umount a usb driver?
# 1  
Old 09-13-2011
What is the right way to mount and umount a usb driver?

I have some questions:

1, I successfully mounted my usb drive with "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt", but I can't wirte, It says "read-only file system". But I can write it in windows.
2, After I umounted the usb drive the led of it still on, but not blinking. Is it safe to unplug it? How to let it's led off?
3, What is the right way to mount and umount a usb dirve in linux?

Thank you.

Last edited by vistastar; 09-14-2011 at 09:49 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-13-2011
What filesystem is the USB drive formatted with? The default Linux driver only has read-only access to NTFS filesystems.

The behavior of the USB drive's LED isn't always the same even between different versions of Windows! If the drive has finished unmounting, it's safe to remove.
# 3  
Old 09-13-2011
u can unmount it using following command.

#umount /mnt


#umount /dev/sdb1

and also check the fs. linux will take fat or ext only by default
# 4  
Old 09-13-2011

The file system is FAT32.

Is it necessary use 'sync' command before umount?
Is it necessary use 'eject' command after umount?
# 5  
Old 09-14-2011
Originally Posted by vistastar

The file system is FAT32.
Odd... I don't know why it's mounting it as read-only.

It's entirely possible that you just don't have permissions to access it, though. FAT32 has no owners or groups, so it just assumes root. Try mount -o uid=myuid,rw -t vfat /dev/whatever /path/to/dir where 'myuid' is your user id like in /etc/passwd.
Is it necessary use 'sync' command before umount?
Nope, umount sync's by itself. umount by itself leaves a drive in a state that's safe to shut down or remove or what have you.
Is it necessary use 'eject' command after umount?
Nope. eject just an extended umount that ejects the tray when it's done syncing and unmounting -- which only makes sense for things that have a tray, like cdrom drives.
# 6  
Old 09-14-2011
Nope. no need for sync and eject.
# 7  
Old 09-14-2011
Thank you. I know the reason, it's my usb dirve's fault. It goes wrong sometimes. After I mount it, it is writable, but some seconds later it isn't.

Another question: Why my usb drive has sdb and sdb1, while another usb drive has only sdb?
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